27° |
An enormously rare cover in the finest quality
imaginable, showing use of the demonetized 10¢ 1847 Issue from Canada, which the Montreal post office not only accepted, but cancelled with its own 7-ring target--few such covers exist, and none is finer than the cover offered
hereDESCRIPTION 10¢ Black (2), intense shade and proof-like impression on strongly blued paper, large to huge margins--especially wide at sides--cancelled by Montreal 7-ring target perfectly centered on stamp, strong impression
of outer ring ties through paper, used on folded letter from Canada to the United States, datelined Bank of Montreal, Montreal 22 June 1852” to D. S. Kennedy in New York City, beneath the 10¢ stamp is a red PAID” straightline handstamp
applied at Montreal--stamp carefully affixed over the marking at the Montreal office--red Montreal L.C. Ju 22 1852” rimless circular datestamp and matching CANADA” in framed arc cross-border handstamp, prepayment with the demonetized 10¢ 1847
accepted at New York City, as indicated by the red curved PAID” handstamp applied on arrival PROVENANCE * Henry C. Gibson, Sr., Philip H. Ward sale, 6/14-15/1944, lot 18, to Hall * John H. Hall, Jr., Siegel Auction Galleries, 2000
Rarities of the World, 5/13/2000, Sale 824, lot 81, to William H. Gross CENSUS, LITERATURE AND EXHIBITION REFERENCES * USPCS census no. 285 * https://www.uspcs.org/resource-center/censuses/1847-cover-census/ * Stanley B. Ashbrook, Special Service, #81, p. 656 CONDITION NOTES * Extremely Fine stamp and cover with vertical file folds clear of
stamp VIEW PDF OF HISTORY AND COMMENTARY at https://siegelauctions.com/2018/1188/27.pdf
(Image) Search for comparables at SiegelAuctions.com |
E. $ 30,000-40,000
SOLD for $30,000.00
Will close during Public Auction |
28° |
These extraordinary covers with 10¢ 1847 vertical bisects
were mailed on the same day in 1851 by the same man to different addressees, using the left and right halves of the same stamp--122 years later they were reunited, and today they still remain the only recorded matching 1847
bisectsDESCRIPTION 10¢ Black, Vertical Half Used as 5¢ (2b), the left and right halves of the same stamp, each with ample margins at side and bottom, just in at top, well tied across cuts by red square grid cancels, matching
New- York Feb 25” (1851) circular datestamps; left half on blue folded letter datelined New York Feby 24th 1851” to Joseph Winn at gas company office in Salem, Massachusetts; right half on blue folded cover to Edward Walcott at gas company
office in Providence, Rhode Island, receipt docketing James J. Scott, Feby 24/51”; both mailed on the same day by the same sender, James J. Scott, who cut one 10¢ stamp in half and used each bisect to pay the 5¢ rate to different
recipients PROVENANCE * Winn letter--Siegel Auction Galleries, 9/26-28/1972, Sale 417, lot 839, to Haas * Walcott cover--John McKnight Storrow; Col. Edward H. R. Green (Storrow collection), Harmer, Rooke sale, 5/26-28/1943, lot 70
Both covers together (reunited by Marc Haas): * Marc Haas, Richard C. Frajola, 1/25/1986, Sale 25, lot 769 * Dr. Leonard Kapiloff, Siegel Auction Galleries, 6/9/1992, Sale 743, lot 157, to Boker * John R. Boker, Jr. (collection sold
privately to William H. Gross, 1994) CENSUS, LITERATURE AND EXHIBITION REFERENCES * USPCS census no. 8587-8588 * https://www.uspcs.org/resource-center/censuses/1847-cover-census/ * Hugh J. and J. David Baker, Bakers’ U.S. Classics, p. 173 * Richard B. Graham, Great Stamps Make Greater Covers,” American Philatelist, October
1977 * Elizabeth C. Pope, Reunion,” Chronicle 80, November 1973, pp 196-197 * Jonathan W. Rose, Classic United States Imperforate Stamps, p. 25 CERTIFICATION * Walcott cover--The Philatelic Foundation (1966)
CONDITION NOTES * Very Fine covers with vertical file folds clear of bisects VIEW PDF OF HISTORY AND COMMENTARY at https://siegelauctions.com/2018/1188/28.pdf (Image) Search for comparables at SiegelAuctions.com |
E. $ 50,000-75,000
SOLD for $60,000.00
Will close during Public Auction |