35° |
This block of the 5¢ 1856 Imperforate, with original gum,
is the only unused block in private hands--an iconic multiple of a classic issue that is instantly identifiable by the design and its imperforate form, as opposed to shade, type, grill, error or a subtle variationDESCRIPTION 5¢ Red
Brown (12), block of four, Reliefs D/B (guide dots indicate it originated in either rows 4/5 or rows 7/8), full to large margins, large part original gum, deep rich color and sharp impression, top pair has stitch watermark
PROVENANCE * Frederick Wellington Ayer (sold privately to Duveen through Phillips) * Henry J. Duveen (sold privately to Hind through Phillips) * Arthur Hind, Phillips-Kennett sale, 11/20-24/1933, lot 130 * Wharton Sinkler, Eugene Klein
sale, 5/17/1940, Sale 117, lot 32, to Ward * Philip H. Ward, Jr. (estate sold privately to Weills, 1963) * Benjamin D. Phillips (bought from Weills out of Ward estate, 1964; * Phillips collection sold privately to Weills, 1968) * Siegel
Auction Galleries, 1969 Rarities of the World, 3/25/1969, Sale 350, lot 30 * Ryohei Ishikawa, Christie’s Robson Lowe sale, 9/28-29/1993, lot 131, to Keith Harmer for Mayer * Frederick R. Mayer, Bennett sale, 10/21/2005, lot 113, to William H.
Gross CENSUS, LITERATURE AND EXHIBITION REFERENCES * Lester G. Brookman, United States Postage Stamps of the 19th Century, Vol. I, p. 151 * Richard C. Frajola and Frederick R. Mayer, The United States Five Cent Stamp of
1856, fig. 3-1, p. 16 * David Lidman, Treasury of Stamps, fig. 75, p.55 * Philip H. Ward, Jr., United States Early Unused Blocks 1847-1869,” 1960 Congress Book * ANPHILEX 1996 Invited Exhibits (Mayer) * Collectors Club of
New York Aristocrats of United States Philately” exhibit, December 2000 (Gross) * World Stamp Show 2016 Court of Honor (Gross) CERTIFICATION * The Philatelic Foundation (1993) CONDITION NOTES * Very Fine despite
trivial imperfections: small triangular nick at bottom (small patch), creases including one vertical ending in slight separation VIEW PDF OF HISTORY AND COMMENTARY at https://siegelauctions.com/2018/1188/35.pdf (Image) Search for comparables at SiegelAuctions.com |
E. $ 200,000-300,000
SOLD for $260,000.00
Will close during Public Auction |
36° |
The spectacular and only known intact cover to Great
Britain with the 5¢ 1856 Imperforate Issue--a wonderful combination of elementsDESCRIPTION 5¢ Red Brown (12), two horizontal pairs, both Relief B and thus probably from the same row but not contiguous, right pair has enormous
margins showing parts of adjoining stamps at top and bottom and at right, left pair has huge top margin showing parts of adjoining stamps and full margins on other sides except just touched at left, used with 1¢ Blue, Type IV (9) and 3¢ Dull Red,
Type II (11A), each slightly cut in on two sides, tied by three strikes of Albany N.Y. Apr. 9” (1857) circular datestamp on buff cover to Aberdeen, Scotland, addressed to Alex Chivas of the whiskey-distilling family, red 3” credit
handstamp applied in New York, red America Liverpool Paid AP 24 57” transit datestamp, green Aberdeen AP 26 1857” receiving backstamp, envelope flap with embossed return address of Peter Smith & Sons, Coopersmiths & Plumbers, Albany, New York
PROVENANCE * Philip G. Rust, Siegel Auction Galleries, 1980 Rarities of the World, 4/5/1980, Sale 560, lot 67, to Klein * Walter C. Klein, Christie’s Robson Lowe sale, 9/27/1988, lot 85, to Mayer * Frederick R. Mayer, Bennett sale,
10/21/2005, lot 185, to Hackmey * Joseph Hackmey (collection sold privately to William H. Gross, 2010) CENSUS, LITERATURE AND EXHIBITION REFERENCES * Richard C. Frajola and Frederick R. Mayer, The United States Five Cent Stamp of
1856, fig. 13-1, p. 138 * ANPHILEX 1996 Invited Exhibits (Mayer) CERTIFICATION * The Philatelic Foundation (2005) CONDITION NOTES * Very Fine cover with vertical and horizontal folds not affecting stamps and not
mentioned on accompanying certificate * Signed on back by Stanley B. Ashbrook and by Herbert A. Bloch in pencil on front at right (Bloch’s signature is present in a 1957 photograph taken by Ashbrook for Ezra D. Cole) VIEW PDF OF HISTORY AND
COMMENTARY at https://siegelauctions.com/2018/1188/36.pdf (Image) Search for comparables at SiegelAuctions.com |
E. $ 75,000-100,000
SOLD for $110,000.00
Will close during Public Auction |