One of two recorded Annapolis, Maryland, postmaster’s
provisional stamped envelopes, discovered in 1895 and owned by renowned collectors, including the Earl of Crawford, Lapham, Caspary and Frelinghuysen--unquestionably one of the icons of classic United States
philatelyDESCRIPTION Annapolis, Maryland, 5¢ Carmine Red on White entire (2XU1), a complete and sharp impression of POST OFFICE/ANNAPOLIS MD.” Eagle and Shield negative circular handstamp with equally clear 5” and PAID”
handstamps impressed separately in same shade of Carmine Red ink, sharp strike of blue Annapolis Md. 20 Mar.” (1846 or 1847) circular datestamp on white envelope (120 x 71 mm) addressed to Chas. S. Carstairs, Care of John Latour & Co., No. 261
South Front St., Phila. Penna.”, manuscript check mark at center of envelope PROVENANCE * Both recorded examples discovered in 1895 (Carstairs, Philadelphia) and sold to Burger Brothers, New York stamp dealers * William A. Castle
(privately from Burger Brothers) * James Ludovic Lindsay, the 26th Earl of Crawford (privately) * Alfred H. Caspary (bought and sold privately) * Henry G. Lapham (and his son, Raymond) * Warren H. Colson * Sen. Peter H. B. Frelinghuysen
(bought privately from Colson), Siegel Auction Galleries, 3/28/2012, Sale 1020, lot 2, to William H. Gross CENSUS, LITERATURE AND EXHIBITION REFERENCES * USPCS census no. 20007 * *Siegel census no. 2XU1-COV-01 * * Special exhibition in United States 1905 (Lord Crawford * London International Philatelic Exhibition 1906 (Lord
Crawford) * World Stamp Show 2016 Court of Honor (Gross) CERTIFICATION * The Philatelic Foundation (2011) CONDITION NOTES * Extremely Fine and absolutely flawless condition * Small W.H.C.” handstamp at lower right
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