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This matching pair of folded letters includes one of two
recorded examples of the Providence postmaster’s 10¢ provisional stamp genuinely used on cover--one of the rarest of all United States Postmasters’ Provisionals in used condition, with only two known on cover and one cancelled off
coverDESCRIPTION Matching pair of covers: Providence, Rhode Island, 5¢ Gray Black (10X1), Position 4, three large margins to ample at left, cancelled by manuscript check mark, red Providence R.I. Oct. 21” circular datestamp,
matching PAID” and 5” handstamps on blue folded letter with Quaker dateline Providence 10th mo 20, 1846” from Congdon & Co. to Ripley & Talcott in Hartford, Connecticut, vertical file fold passes through stamp, thus tying it Providence,
Rhode Island, 10¢ Gray Black (10X2), Position 3, ample margins except just touched at lower left and barely in at top right, tied by manuscript check mark, red Providence R.I. Oct. 17” circular datestamp, matching PAID” and 5” handstamps on blue
folded letter with Quaker dateline Providence 10th mo 16, 1846” from Congdon & Co. to Ripley & Talcott in Hartford, Connecticut PROVENANCE * Edward Grombacher (bought and sold privately through Weills) * Weill Brothers’ Stock,
Christie’s Robson Lowe sale, 10/12/1989, lot 638 * Dr. Charles E. Test, Concord” Collection, 1994 Rarities of the World, Siegel Auction Galleries, 5/19/1994, Sale 759, lot 15, to William H. Gross CENSUS, LITERATURE AND EXHIBITION
REFERENCES * USPCS census nos. 21022 (5¢) and 21020 (10¢) * https://www.uspcs.org/resource-center/censuses/postmasters-provisionals-cover-census/ * Unlisted in Slater census CERTIFICATION * Each with two certificates from The Philatelic Foundation (1969, 1994)
CONDITION NOTES * 5¢ cover Very Fine with stamp creased by file fold; 10¢ cover Very Fine VIEW PDF OF HISTORY AND COMMENTARY at https://siegelauctions.com/2018/1188/7.pdf (Image) Search for comparables at SiegelAuctions.com |
E. $ 30,000-40,000
SOLD for $35,000.00
Will close during Public Auction |
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A choice Providence 5¢ provisional stamp used on an
attractive folded letterDESCRIPTION Providence, Rhode Island, 5¢ Gray Black (10X1), Position 9, mostly large margins to full at sides, cancelled by manuscript check mark, red Providence R.I. Sep. 16” circular datestamp, matching
PAID” and 5” handstamps on folded letter datelined Providence 16 Sept./46” to Dr. Chauncey Booth, McLean Asylum in East Cambridge, Massachusetts PROVENANCE * Marc Haas, Siegel Auction Galleries, 4/22/1980, Sale 561, lot 22
CENSUS, LITERATURE AND EXHIBITION REFERENCES * USPCS census no. 21018 * https://www.uspcs.org/resource-center/censuses/postmasters-provisionals-cover-census/ * Slater census no. 8 CERTIFICATION * The Philatelic Foundation (1992) CONDITION NOTES * Very Fine stamp
with small scissors-cut in bottom right margin clear of design and not noted on certificate; vertical file fold in letter clear of stamp VIEW PDF OF HISTORY AND COMMENTARY at https://siegelauctions.com/2018/1188/8.pdf (Image) Search for comparables at SiegelAuctions.com |
E. $ 4,000-5,000
SOLD for $6,000.00
Will close during Public Auction |