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7¢ Black (407), full top plate number 6919 block of six, five stamps Mint N.H., bottom center stamp lightly hinged, wide margins, intense shade
Paul Cheyney (collection sold privately to Mr. Gross)
Very Fine
$1,200.00 (Image)
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1¢ Green, 2¢ Carmine, Ty. I, Kansas City Roulettes (408 variety, 409 variety), full top plate number 6013 and 6464 blocks of six, 1¢ Mint N.H., 2¢ five stamps Mint N.H., bottom center hinge remnant, both with wide margins
The Philatelic Foundation (1¢--1982)
Very Fine and choice; each with purple "C.A.S." in circle backstamp
In December 1914 the Kansas City post office had an oversupply of imperforate stamps, originally intended for vending machines. The supply of stamps was rouletted with women's dressmaking tracing wheels, and official approval for their release was given by the Post Office Department in Washington. (Image)
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9¢ Salmon Red (415), Mint N.H. full top plate number 6915 block of six, wide margins and fresh color
$1,100.00 (Image)
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12¢ Claret Brown (417), Mint N.H. full top plate number 6910, block of six, wide margins, rich color
Extremely Fine
$1,050.00 (Image)
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15¢ Gray (418), full top plate number A 5850 block of six, bottom center stamp hinge remnant, other stamps Mint N.H. or lightly hinged, choice centering and margins
Extremely Fine; few minor perf separations in top of selvage reinforced with tiny hinge slivers
$850.00 (Image)
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15¢ Gray (418), Mint N.H. wide top "BUREAU, ENGRAVING & PRINTING" imprint and plate number A 5766 block of six, intense shade, attractive margins and centering
$1,400.00 (Image)
20¢ Ultramarine (419), full top plate number 6908 block of six, lightly hinged, beautiful centering and margins
Weill Brothers' Stock, Christie's RL, 10/12/1989, lot 302
$2,000.00 (Image)
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50¢ Violet (421), full top plate number 7049 block of six, five stamps Mint N.H., only the top center stamp hinged, deep rich color, truly outstanding centering with wide margins
Extremely Fine Gem
50¢ Perf 12 Single-Line and Double-Line Watermarks
There is a simple way to differentiate between the two 50¢ Violet Perf 12 1914 Issues, Scott 421 (single-line watermark) and Scott 422 (double-line watermark), without even looking at the watermark. Scott 421 almost always has printing ink offset on the gum (unless it is regummed), and Scott 422 never does.
As a measure of rarity, the Wampler collection had a hinged top plate block of Scott 421, and the Fogelson collection did not have a plate block (both sales were held by Shreves Philatelic Galleries). Our sale of the vast "MLG" collection also did not contain one. The only other top plate block we have offered with full or nearly full selvage was in our 2015 Curtis sale. Lewis Kaufman records only five full top plate blocks available to collectors (excluding the top position in the Miller collection owned by The New York Public Library). (Image)
Get Market Data for [United States 421]
50¢ Violet (422), full top "BUREAU, ENGRAVING & PRINTING" imprint and plate number A 5749 block of six, hinge remnants straddling two stamps at bottom and between selvage, rich color, well-centered with wide margins
Extremely Fine; perf separations reinforced between bottom two left stamps and in selvage, negligible light creases in selvage
50¢ Perf 12 Double-Line Watermarked Issue
There is a simple way to differentiate between the two 50¢ Violet Perf 12 1914 Issues, Scott 421 (single-line watermark) and Scott 422 (double-line watermark), without even looking at the watermark. Scott 421 almost always has printing ink offset on the gum (unless it is regummed), and Scott 422 never does. Lewis Kaufman records only nine full top and five bottom plate blocks. (Image)
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