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Bolivia Stamps and Postal History continued...

1825-1867 PRE-STAMP REPUBLIC PERIOD continued...
Lot Symbol CatNo. Lot Description CV or Estimate
2021 c TotoraFranca ms. endorsement within fancy black oval frame, Department of Cochabamba, another highly unusual marking from this post office being an ornate handstamped frame of
leaves with the town and paid notation written in the center, on 18"Totora/Franca" ms. endorsement within fancy black oval frame, Department of Cochabamba, another highly unusual marking from this post office being an ornate handstamped frame of leaves with the town and paid notation written in the center, on 1864 entire folded letter to Cochabamba, some edge splitting of the fold at top that is not distracting, otherwise very fine and an especially pretty postmark. (Image) Est. $500-750

SOLD for $450.00
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2022 c FrancaTupiza red pictorial cancel, Department of Potosi, a gorgeous oval cancel featuring a condor and mountain under the sun in the center with a negative ornate frame with
leaves, nice strike on 1856 entire folded foreign mail letter to Salt"Franca/Tupiza" red pictorial cancel, Department of Potosi, a gorgeous oval cancel featuring a condor and mountain under the sun in the center with a negative ornate frame with leaves, nice strike on 1856 entire folded foreign mail letter to Salta, Argentina, letter written and signed by Gregorio Pacheco, future President of Bolivia, fresh and extremely fine; a lovely example of this rare pictorial postmark. (Image) Est. $500-750

SOLD for $850.00
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2023 c Tupisa blue straight line handstamp, Department of Potosi, another foreign mail cover to Salta, Argentina including a portion of the letter that has Gregorio Pachecos
signature, in addition to the Tupisa straight line handstamp this cover al"Tupisa" blue straight line handstamp, Department of Potosi, another foreign mail cover to Salta, Argentina including a portion of the letter that has Gregorio Pacheco's signature, in addition to the "Tupisa" straight line handstamp this cover also has the rare "Esterior/Franca" ornate oval foreign mail marking plus an additional straight line "Franca", all in blue, very fine and rare. (Image) Est. $400-500

SOLD for $400.00
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2024 c VallegrandeFranca black negative oval, Department of Santa Cruz, an impressive negative postmark of this small town on 1864 entire folded letter to Cochabamba, very fine some
letters in the postmark and the starburst in the center are a bit u"Vallegrande/Franca" black negative oval, Department of Santa Cruz, an impressive negative postmark of this small town on 1864 entire folded letter to Cochabamba, very fine; some letters in the postmark and the starburst in the center are a bit unclear as is typical of the marking but this is rated by Escalier as being very rare. (Image) Est. $400-500

SOLD for $550.00
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Lot Symbol CatNo. Lot Description CV or Estimate
2025 c 1825-67 Republic of Bolivia pre-stamp postal history substantial collection of 180 covers with the vast majority being entire folded letters, this collection is a fascinating
documentation of the postal markings of the numerous post offices that1825-67 Republic of Bolivia pre-stamp postal history substantial collection of 180 covers with the vast majority being entire folded letters, this collection is a fascinating documentation of the postal markings of the numerous post offices that existed from the time of independence in 1825 until stamps were issued in 1867, written up on pages and arranged in alphabetical order, housed in eight deluxe custom albums, virtually all the departments are represented to some extent though some are very scarce and have few covers, there is no Litoral Department (see lot 2034), there are far too many to list all of the different towns and types of postmarks that are present, in general Bolivia started with straight line handstamps in the early period, these exist for all the major towns but also for scarce small towns, we note for example a straight line "Lipez" handstamp which is an unassuming but rare marking, many postmarks in the later part of this period are ornate and pictorial with symbols of the country such as branches with leaves, condors, coat of arms of various types and even an illustration of a postman, these are not always rare but they are extraordinarily attractive and popular, other markings that we note include negative types such as a rare "Franca/Sause" negative handstamp, "Franca", meaning paid, is sometimes found within the postmark and sometimes separately including some rather fancy handstamps, another type of marking we note is "Esterior/Franca" which is found in different forms and is applied to letters going out of the country, one particually attractive example is this wording in an oval of dots with branches below of Tupiza, some towns also had rate handstamps of various types, the "Potosi/Franca" fancy boxed handstamp with an illustration of a condor is usually accompanied by a rate handstamp and seven different are in this collection from "1/2" to "7 1/2" which is a very large amount, in all this collection is wonderfully comprehensive showing the pre-stamp markings of this country in a way that few, if any, collections have done before, condition is select, though faults can exist on very rare covers where the marking may not exist any better, overall fine-very fine or better and very attractive; examination of this collection will not only be beneficial, but it will reveal many treasures of the pre-stamp period. (imagea) (imageb) (imagec) (Image) Est. $5,000-7,500

SOLD for $11,500.00
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Lot Symbol CatNo. Lot Description CV or Estimate
2026 c CorreoAntofagasta5c blue ornate octagonal frank, Department of Litoral, a gorgeous strike of this fancy postmark that clearly shows a tiny condor, llama and mountain in the
small center oval, on pristine cover to Tocopilla, a post office also"Correo/Antofagasta/5c" blue ornate octagonal frank, Department of Litoral, a gorgeous strike of this fancy postmark that clearly shows a tiny condor, llama and mountain in the small center oval, on pristine cover to Tocopilla, a post office also within the Department of Litoral, extremely fine; this marking acted as a frank for the postage paid as well as a postmark of the post office of Antofagasta, it is found in 5c and 10c values with one or more strikes of the marking applied to equal the amount of the postage; the 5c is by far the rarer of the two with a single strike of the 5c for mail within the same department; it is likely that no more than five examples exist of this frank, if that many, and a great rarity in this superb quality. (Image) Est. $2,000-3,000

SOLD for $1,400.00
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2027 c CorreoAntofagasta10c blue ornate octagonal frank, Department of Litoral, four clear strikes of this frank paying a 40c rate on an 1878 cover to Valparaiso, Chile for a
multiple rate cover, backstamped, edge wrinkles from large enclosure (not"Correo/Antofagasta/10c" blue ornate octagonal frank, Department of Litoral, four clear strikes of this frank paying a 40c rate on an 1878 cover to Valparaiso, Chile for a multiple rate cover, backstamped, edge wrinkles from large enclosure (not included) and two tears at top, one just touching one marking, fine; since a letter could be sent to Chile for as little as 10c it is presumed that this is a quadruple rate and it is the only example known to the collector with four strikes of the postmark. (Image) Est. $1,500-2,000

SOLD for $1,300.00
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2028 c CorreoAntofagasta10c blue ornate octagonal frank, Department of Litoral, an amazing five strikes of this rare frank on legal size cover to Copiapo, Chile, all the markings are
exceptionally well struck, the cover is in rather poor condition l"Correo/Antofagasta/10c" blue ornate octagonal frank, Department of Litoral, an amazing five strikes of this rare frank on legal size cover to Copiapo, Chile, all the markings are exceptionally well struck, the cover is in rather poor condition lacking the backflap and with a cover crease affecting one impression plus docketing (noting letters from Quesada and a contract) affecting two others, nevertheless an important cover of this rare frank as it is believed that this is the largest franking using this marking on any cover and the only example recorded with five impressions; ex-Dale Lichtenstein. (Image) Est. $1,500-2,000

SOLD for $1,500.00
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2029 c FrancaPampa Grande black fancy postmark, Department of Santa Cruz, especially attractive marking with each word partitioned off vertically with the Franca being in a ribbon at
top, on 1871 entire folded letter to Cochabamba, datelined Santa"Franca/Pampa Grande" black fancy postmark, Department of Santa Cruz, especially attractive marking with each word partitioned off vertically with the "Franca" being in a ribbon at top, on 1871 entire folded letter to Cochabamba, datelined Santa Cruz, very fine and exceedingly rare with this example believed to be the only example recorded to date. (Image) Est. $750-1,000

SOLD for $800.00
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2030 c Porte (La Paz) red framed official handstamp, Department of La Paz, superbly struck example of this marking with no postage designation at right which Escalier classifies as a
handstamp for official mail, on entire folded letter to Santa Cruz,"Porte" (La Paz) red framed official handstamp, Department of La Paz, superbly struck example of this marking with no postage designation at right which Escalier classifies as a handstamp for official mail, on entire folded letter to Santa Cruz, ms. "La Paz 1869" at bottom that was apparently used as a postmark and the letter is datelined La Paz, June 9, 1869, minor fold separations that do not detract, very fine; a very rare and seldom seen marking. (Image) Est. $400-500

SOLD for $300.00
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2031 c FrancaPescado ornate black negative oval, Department of Chuquisaca, a marvelously well struck example of this extremely rare and attractive marking, on 1873 folded cover to
Sucre, side flap at left missing, otherwise very fine drawn in outlin"Franca/Pescado" ornate black negative oval, Department of Chuquisaca, a marvelously well struck example of this extremely rare and attractive marking, on 1873 folded cover to Sucre, side flap at left missing, otherwise very fine; drawn in outline below the wording is a fish which is a play on the name of the town as Pescado is the Spanish word for fish; an exceptionally elusive marking in this amazing quality that is hardly ever found so well struck on any negative postmark, let alone a marking where only two or three examples are known. (Image) Est. $500-750

SOLD for $725.00
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2032 c Governo Militar Provisorio do AcreFranquia de Correspondencia military frank, an example of this rare handstamp on the front of an opened out cover to Maranhao, Brazil,
Amazonas (Para) transit of January 10, 1904 and backstamped on January 29t"Governo Militar Provisorio do Acre/Franquia de Correspondencia" military frank, an example of this rare handstamp on the front of an opened out cover to Maranhao, Brazil, Amazonas (Para) transit of January 10, 1904 and backstamped on January 29th, very fine for this; this marking was used to frank military mail by the Brazilian forces in the area of Acre where no stamps were available, Acre was a disputed remote area that had originally belonged to Bolivia bordering Peru and Brazil and was much contested at the turn of the century; also a back of a cover with the same marking dated January 7, 1906, later than the latest use recorded by Wolfgang Baldus; very rare with only a few more than a dozen covers recorded. (Image) Est. $400-500

SOLD for $400.00
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Lot Symbol CatNo. Lot Description CV or Estimate
2033 c Nineteenth and twentieth century provisional handstamp collection, the use of postal markings on covers without stamps did not stop with the issuance of the first stamps in 1867, many smaller post offices did not regularly have stamps and even the larger post offices resorted to handstamps for various reasons and because of temporary stamp shortage, this collection of stampless covers has a total of over 195 covers and entire folded letters plus a few fronts mounted on pages and housed in seven deluxe custom albums, these covers fall into several general periods including the mid to late 1870's, which often are pre-stamp markings that were used before stamps, but also with new markings appearing, another group seems to appear in the mid 1880's which are often new types of handstamps, then there are some that go into about the first quarter of the 20th century, what is apparent is that there was no regulation that required the use of stamps so letters could be paid, a town postmark was then applied and sometimes an additional "Franca" marking if it was not already in the postmark, there are far too many to list here but some more interesting items we note are a negative circular handstamp of Viacha, a rare and unusual ornate handstamp of Colquechaca are examples of the many interesting markings found in this collection, some are quite rare with only a very few examples known, another reason for stampless in this period involves foreign mail destinations to other South American countries and elsewhere, we note three late 1878 covers to France from Topisa and Tarija with the scarce British post office at Cobija c.d.s., plus three covers to the United States in the late 1860's that were handled by forwarding agents, condition varies only slightly with the vast majority being clean and fine-very fine or better; a lovely collection of this era that documents many markings being used in the early stamp period. Est. $4,000-5,000

SOLD for $13,000.00
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2034 c 1832-78 Litoral Department stampless cover collection of 60 covers, most being entire folded letters, three fronts and two postal documents plus a couple of covers with
adhesives, all written up and mounted on pages in three deluxe custom albums,1832-78 Litoral Department stampless cover collection of 60 covers, most being entire folded letters, three fronts and two postal documents plus a couple of covers with adhesives, all written up and mounted on pages in three deluxe custom albums, this department is important for two reasons, first, it consists of the coastal regions of Bolivia containing the ports that gave Bolivia the most contact with the outside world, thus many of the rare ship markings and foreign usages come out of this area, second this is the department that was lost to Chile in the 1879 war with that country and is part of Chile to this day, so this traces out the history of that area in the early period while it was still part of the country of Bolivia, one of the earliest ports was Lamar with straight line handstamps as early as 1832 with a number of internal covers being the name of the Bolivian post office in this town, as well as a packet cover to France and similar inbound cover from France, closely connected with Lamar is Cobija which was another name given to this port and used by the British Postal Agency in Bolivia, includes three packet covers to France from Cobija including one with the scarce Cobija British c.d.s., another major port was Antofagasta, or also known as La Chimba, some very scarce markings come from here including the rare fancy "Cancelado" oval and the "Correos de La Chimba/Bolivia" pictorial ship postmark, these two markings were often used together, of the twelve covers and one front of La Chimba, ten have the "Cancelado" marking and ten with the ship marking, most are going to Chile though the front is a scarce posting to Uruguay, also from Antofagasta is found the fancy "Correo 10c Antofagasta" ornate frank handstamp which was applied as many times as needed to equal the postage, this collection includes five covers to Chile with this rare marking, three with single strikes and two with two strikes paying the 20c rate, besides these large ports there are also covers from smaller towns as Atacama, Calama, Mejillones and Tocopilla, etc., condition varies but for the most part the covers are very attractive and fine-very fine or better with many rare items present; a wonderful study of this hotly contested area between Bolivia and Chile. (imagea) (imageb) (imagec) (Image) Est. $5,000-7,500

SOLD for $11,500.00
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Lot Symbol CatNo. Lot Description CV or Estimate
2035 c 20 20, 1878 5c Ultramarine, pair and single on cover to Copiapo, Chile sent on February 14, 1879 from Antofagasta, the day of the Chilean occupation and the loss of Bolivian
power in that city, includes original letter that is datelined Republ#20, 1878 5c Ultramarine, pair and single on cover to Copiapo, Chile sent on February 14, 1879 from Antofagasta, the day of the Chilean occupation and the loss of Bolivian power in that city, includes original letter that is datelined "Republica of Chile/Departamento del Norte/Antofagasta Febrero 14, 1879", within the letter the writer states "...I am pleased to greet you from the soil which since today at 8:30 am has returned to Chilean domination" and "...(the name) should be Departamento del Norte ...instead of Departamento Litoral", the Bolivian stamps were recognized for postage because that was all that was available but pen cancelled to avoid using Bolivian cancels to acknowledge Bolivia any further, very fine; a marvelous and important historical letter of the Bolivian-Chilean war. (Image) Est. $750-1,000

SOLD for $725.00
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Lot Symbol CatNo. Lot Description CV or Estimate
2036 c Sucre black straight line handstamp, Department of Chuquisaca, on extremely rare 1859 foreign mail entire letter to the highly unusual destination of Holland, scarce boxed
EsteriorFranca of Sucre and rated 3 12 reales local postage to L"Sucre" black straight line handstamp, Department of Chuquisaca, on extremely rare 1859 foreign mail entire letter to the highly unusual destination of Holland, scarce boxed "Esterior/Franca" of Sucre and rated 3 1/2 reales local postage to Lamar (Cobija) with straight line transit where it was turned over to the Pacific Steam Navigation Company with boxed "PSNC/Cobija" boxed handstamp to Panama, then by British packet to London with "4/6" ms. rate marking and "310" due, backstamped Amsterdam, a very fresh and attractive letter, very fine; all mail from Bolivia to Europe in this period is extremely rare, but especially so to the Netherlands and the two and a half month transit time (March 20-June 3) illustrates just how difficult and time consuming communication was. (Image) Est. $1,500-2,000

SOLD for $850.00
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2037 c EsteriorFranca boxed handstamp of Sucre, Department of Chuquisaca, another very rare 1859 foreign mail entire letter to Holland, letter is datelined Chuquisaca and has the
scarce boxed EsteriorFranca of Sucre, rated 3 12 reales local p"Esterior/Franca" boxed handstamp of Sucre, Department of Chuquisaca, another very rare 1859 foreign mail entire letter to Holland, letter is datelined Chuquisaca and has the scarce boxed "Esterior/Franca" of Sucre, rated 3 1/2 reales local postage to Lamar (Cobija) where it was turned over to the Pacific Steam Navigation Company with boxed "PSNC/Cobija" boxed handstamp to Panama with three-line transit handstamp, then by British packet to London with "4/8" ms. rate marking and "320" due, backstamped Amsterdam, portion of backflap missing, very fine; a nice mate to the previous cover with these two being the only two covers we have encountered to Holland. (Image) Est. $1,000-1,500

SOLD for $700.00
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2038 c Sucre black straight line handstamp, Department of Chuquisaca, a similar and remarkably handsome 1859 foreign mail cover to France, scarce boxed EsteriorFranca of Sucre,
connecting with the Pacific Steam Navigation Company with exceptionally"Sucre" black straight line handstamp, Department of Chuquisaca, a similar and remarkably handsome 1859 foreign mail cover to France, scarce boxed "Esterior/Franca" of Sucre, connecting with the Pacific Steam Navigation Company with exceptionally well struck "PSNC/Cobija" boxed handstamp to Panama, then by British packet via London with original "GB/1F60c" handstamp re-rated with "GB/2F87 5/10c" handstamp, three strikes of this marking were applied, one to obliterate the incorrect marking, one to obliterate the Sucre "Franca" marking so there would be no confusion that this might be pre-paid and one to state the amount due from France, large "12" decimes French due marking, London and Calais transits, backstamped Paris, very fine; a rare and extraordinarily attractive foreign mail cover from the 1850's. (Image) Est. $1,000-1,500

SOLD for $1,300.00
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2039 c 1850-60 Pacific Steam Navigation Company postal history collection of eighteen covers and a large part of another, plus two post office documents relating to transactions with this company, written up on pages and housed in a deluxe custom album, this British steam ship company started a line on the west coast of South America in 1840, it became responsible for handling the mail that was transported by ship between Bolivia, Chile and Peru, the period of this collection is for mail handled by this company between these three countries prior to the British Agency being established in Cobija, but all the mail is between Cobija and the various Peruvian ports and Valparaiso, Chile, fourteen covers are inbound covers to Cobija with various markings of the Pacifica Steam Navigation Co. which include numerals in a oval of bars British type marking, "Vapor" (steamer) and various town handstamps of the ports, Cobija had a boxed handstamp "PSNC/Cobija", an entire letter and a folded cover to Valparaiso and large part cover all have this rare marking, plus there are two other entire folded letters outbound from Cobija, one with numeral "4" in bars and the other with "Vapor" and "Arica" straight line handstamps on cover to Tacna, Peru, all are clean and fine-very fine; a fascinating study of the ship mail carried to and from Bolivia along the coast of South America. Est. $2,000-3,000

SOLD for $3,750.00
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Lot Symbol CatNo. Lot Description CV or Estimate
2040 c CorreoAntofagasta10c blue ornate octagonal frank, Department of Litoral, single strike of this frank on handsome 1878 cover to New York, this paid the postage to Lima, Peru
receiving that citys transit on the reverse, a rare Transatlantico"Correo/Antofagasta/10c" blue ornate octagonal frank, Department of Litoral, single strike of this frank on handsome 1878 cover to New York, this paid the postage to Lima, Peru receiving that city's transit on the reverse, a rare "Transatlantico/31Out 78" French maritime marking applied for transatlantic passage to England with London backstamp, then to the United States with "U.S. Charge/to/Collect" and "25 Cents" handstamps, very fine; a most interesting routing illustrating the difficulty of getting mail out of Bolivia to various parts of the world; a very rare and handsome cover. (Image) Est. $1,500-2,000

SOLD for $900.00
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