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CEYLON continued...

1867-1870 ISSUE POSTAL HISTORY continued...
Lot Symbol CatNo. Lot Description CV or Estimate
301 c   1867 (20 Apr.) double rate envelope ex the Mooyaart correspondence from Kandy to Birmingham, marked Via Marseilles, bearing 2d. grey-green pair, 6d. sepia and 10d. vermilion,
all cancelled by oval of bars, showing very scarce kandy1867 (20 Apr.) double rate envelope ex the "Mooyaart" correspondence from Kandy to Birmingham, marked "Via Marseilles", bearing 2d. grey-green pair, 6d. sepia and 10d. vermilion, all cancelled by oval of bars, showing very scarce "kandy/free" c.d.s. in red at lower left and, on reverse, Galle and arrival (27.5) datestamps; the envelope with part of flap missing. A scarce and unusual make-up of this rate. Sc. 47, 53a, 56; S.G. 50, 55, 58. provenance: M. Burrus, April 1963 Lawrence Shenfield, March 1975 (Image) Est. $1,500-2,000

SOLD for $3,250.00
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302 c   1867 (16 Oct.) quadruple rate entire ex the Dawson correspondence from Colombo to Linlithgow, marked via Marseilles, bearing 10d. orange pair and two singles, all cancelled by
oval of bars, showing colombopaid c.d.s. in red and1867 (16 Oct.) quadruple rate entire ex the "Dawson" correspondence from Colombo to Linlithgow, marked "via Marseilles", bearing 10d. orange pair and two singles, all cancelled by oval of bars, showing "colombo/paid" c.d.s. in red and, on reverse, Galle (17.10) and arrival (18.11) datestamps; the entire with some light creases. A very rare franking. Sc. 56b; S.G. 70c. (Image) Est. $3,000-4,000

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303 c   1867 (16 Dec.) double rate entire letter from Colombo to Scotland, marked via Marseilles, bearing two 5d. yellow-olive pairs (one at lower left) tied by oval of bars, showing
colombopaid c.d.s. with Galle transit d.s. (17.12) alongsi1867 (16 Dec.) double rate entire letter from Colombo to Scotland, marked "via Marseilles", bearing two 5d. yellow-olive pairs (one at lower left) tied by oval of bars, showing "colombo/paid" c.d.s. with Galle transit d.s. (17.12) alongside and, on reverse across join, clear arrival datestamp (13.1); the entire with heavy central vertical filing crease. A rare franking. R.P.S. Certificate (2007). Sc. 52c; S.G. 66. (Image) Est. $1,500-2,000

SOLD for $1,150.00
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304 c   1871 (4 Mar.) quadruple rate entire from Colombo to Glasgow, marked via Brindisi, bearing 1- reddish lilac strip of three and single cancelled by slightly heavy or smudged
Colombo duplex and showing arrival datestamp (1.4) on reverse one1871 (4 Mar.) quadruple rate entire from Colombo to Glasgow, marked "via Brindisi", bearing 1/- reddish lilac strip of three and single cancelled by slightly heavy or smudged Colombo duplex and showing arrival datestamp (1.4) on reverse; one 1/- crossed by light vertical filing crease and with part recipient's notation at left, and the entire with seal on reverse cut away. A scarce franking. Sc. 57a; S.G. 71b. provenance: R.C. Agabeg, May 1982 (Image) Est. $1,500-2,000

SOLD for $1,150.00
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305 c   1871 (21 Mar.) entire from Colombo to London, marked via Brindisi, bearing 1- reddish violet tied by two strikes of Colombo duplex and showing red arrival c.d.s. at left the
entire with heavy central vertical filing crease. Sc. 57a S.G.1871 (21 Mar.) entire from Colombo to London, marked "via Brindisi", bearing 1/- reddish violet tied by two strikes of Colombo duplex and showing red arrival c.d.s. at left; the entire with heavy central vertical filing crease. Sc. 57a; S.G. 71b. (Image) Est. $500-750

SOLD for $425.00
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306 c   1871 (18 Apr.) treble rate entire from Colombo to Glasgow, marked via Brindisi, bearing 1- reddish lilac pair and reddish violet single, all cancelled by slightly heavy and
partly smudged A obliterator, showing colombopaid c.d.s.1871 (18 Apr.) treble rate entire from Colombo to Glasgow, marked "via Brindisi", bearing 1/- reddish lilac pair and reddish violet single, all cancelled by slightly heavy and partly smudged "A" obliterator, showing "colombo/paid" c.d.s. in red with crisp arrival datestamp (13.5) on reverse; the entire with seal torn away. The use of the two shades together is most unusual. Sc. 57, 57a; S.G. 71, 71b. provenance: Lawrence Shenfield, March 1975 (Image) Est. $1,500-2,000

SOLD for $1,150.00
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307 c   1871 (23 Aug.) entire from Galle to London, marked Via Brindisi, bearing 9d. blackish brown and 1867 3d. bright rose, both placed sideways sharing rectangular firms cachet and
cancelled by unclear obliterator, showing gallepaid and1871 (23 Aug.) entire from Galle to London, marked "Via Brindisi", bearing 9d. blackish brown and 1867 3d. bright rose, both placed sideways sharing rectangular firm's cachet and cancelled by unclear obliterator, showing "galle/paid" and London arrival (16.9) datestamps, both in red. R.P.S. Certificate (2002). Sc. 55a, 62; S.G. 62a, 69b. provenance: Serendib, February 2002 (Image) Est. $1,000-1,500

SOLD for $800.00
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308 c   1871 (30 Sept.) entire letter from Colombo to London, marked via Brindisi, bearing 2d. bistre, 9d. blackish brown and 1868 1d. blue, all clearly tied by Colombo duplex and
showing clear red arrival datestamp (28.10) alongside the entire wi1871 (30 Sept.) entire letter from Colombo to London, marked "via Brindisi", bearing 2d. bistre, 9d. blackish brown and 1868 1d. blue, all clearly tied by Colombo duplex and showing clear red arrival datestamp (28.10) alongside; the entire with vertical and horizontal (heavy) filing creases, both clear of adhesives. A scarce and most attractive three-color franking. Sc. 49d, 55a, 61; S.G. 61, 64, 69b. (Image) Est. $1,500-2,000

SOLD for $1,150.00
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309 c   1871 (30 Sept.) double rate entire ex the Dawson correspondence from Colombo to Linlithgow, marked via Brindisi, bearing 6d. red-brown and 9d. deep brown pair, all tied by
Colombo duplex and showing arrival datestamp (30.10) on revers1871 (30 Sept.) double rate entire ex the "Dawson" correspondence from Colombo to Linlithgow, marked "via Brindisi", bearing 6d. red-brown and 9d. deep brown pair, all tied by Colombo duplex and showing arrival datestamp (30.10) on reverse across join. An unusual make-up of the rate. Sc. 53d, 55a; S.G. 67b, 69b. (Image) Est. $1,500-2,000

SOLD for $1,100.00
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310 c   1871 (14 Oct.) double rate entire ex the Dawson correspondence from Colombo to Linlithgow, marked via Brindisi, bearing 1- reddish violet pair tied by A obliterator and showing
colombopaid c.d.s. in red alongside with clear1871 (14 Oct.) double rate entire ex the "Dawson" correspondence from Colombo to Linlithgow, marked "via Brindisi", bearing 1/- reddish violet pair tied by "A" obliterator and showing "colombo/paid" c.d.s. in red alongside with clear arrival datestamp (11.11) on reverse; one 1/- with small defect at right. Sc. 57; S.G. 71b. (Image) Est. $500-750

SOLD for $400.00
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311 c   1868 (5 May) envelope from Kandy to Leamington, marked Via Marseilles, bearing 1d. deep blue strip of three and 10d. orange, all neatly cancelled by oval of bars, showing
kandypaid c.d.s. and framed too late, both in red, with1868 (5 May) envelope from Kandy to Leamington, marked "Via Marseilles", bearing 1d. deep blue strip of three and 10d. orange, all neatly cancelled by oval of bars, showing "kandy/paid" c.d.s. and framed "too late", both in red, with Galle transit (7.5) and arrival (1.6) datestamps on reverse; the envelope a little damaged at left. An attractive and scarce make-up of the rate. Sc. 46e, 56b; S.G. 63b, 70c. provenance: R.C. Agabeg, May 1982 (Image) Est. $1,500-2,000

SOLD for $1,200.00
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312 c   1868 (1 July) envelope from Galle to Leith, marked Via Marseilles, bearing 10d. orange and 1867 3d. carmine-rose, both affixed sideways with small part just over top edge, tied
by firms rectangular chop and B obliterator, showing gall1868 (1 July) envelope from Galle to Leith, marked "Via Marseilles", bearing 10d. orange and 1867 3d. carmine-rose, both affixed sideways with small part just over top edge, tied by firm's rectangular chop and "B" obliterator, showing "galle/paid" c.d.s. in red alongside with Edinburgh transit datestamp (27.7) on reverse. R.P.S. Certificate (2007) states "stamps slightly rubbed from position on cover". Sc. 56b, 62; S.G. 62, 70c. (Image) Est. $1,000-1,500

Will close during Public Auction
313 c   1868 (22 Aug.) entire letter from Colombo to Scotland, marked via Marseilles, bearing 5d. yellow-olive and 8d. chocolate cancelled by A obliterator, showing light colombopaid
c.d.s. in red (crossed by heavy vertical filing crease)1868 (22 Aug.) entire letter from Colombo to Scotland, marked "via Marseilles", bearing 5d. yellow-olive and 8d. chocolate cancelled by "A" obliterator, showing light "colombo/paid" c.d.s. in red (crossed by heavy vertical filing crease) with clear arrival datestamp (21.9) on reverse. A rare make-up of this rate. R.P.S. Certificate (2007). Sc. 52c, 54a; S.G. 66, 68. (Image) Est. $1,500-2,000

SOLD for $1,200.00
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314 c   1868 (Nov.) double rate entire from Colombo to Scotland, marked via Marseilles, bearing 2- deep blue and 1868 1d. blue pair, all cancelled by slightly heavy and smudged A
obliterator, showing colombopaid c.d.s. in red with clear a1868 (Nov.) double rate entire from Colombo to Scotland, marked "via Marseilles", bearing 2/- deep blue and 1868 1d. blue pair, all cancelled by slightly heavy and smudged "A" obliterator, showing "colombo/paid" c.d.s. in red with clear arrival datestamp (30.11) on reverse; the entire with creases. A very rare franking. R.P.S. Certificate (2007). Sc. 58a, 61; S.G. 61, 72b. (Image) Est. $4,000-5,000

SOLD for $3,250.00
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315 c   1869 (23 Apr.) envelope from Galle to Edinburgh, marked p Candia via Marseilles, bearing 5d. yellow-olive pair and 1867 3d. carmine-rose, both cancelled by B obliterator, and
showing red gallepaid and London Paid (15.5) datestamps1869 (23 Apr.) envelope from Galle to Edinburgh, marked "p Candia via Marseilles", bearing 5d. yellow-olive pair and 1867 3d. carmine-rose, both cancelled by "B" obliterator, and showing red "galle/paid" and London Paid (15.5) datestamps alongside. A delightful, attractive and rare franking. Sc. 52c, 62; S.G. 62, 66. (Image) Est. $2,000-3,000

SOLD for $1,700.00
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316 c   1869 (29 May) double rate envelope registered from Colombo to London, marked Via Marseilles, bearing 2d. yellow strip of three affixed at lower left and 10d. orange pair with
the registration apparently paid in cash, both cancelled by A o1869 (29 May) double rate envelope registered from Colombo to London, marked "Via Marseilles", bearing 2d. yellow strip of three affixed at lower left and 10d. orange pair with the registration apparently paid in cash, both cancelled by "A" obliterator, showing "colombo/paid" c.d.s. and "registered/colombo" oval handstamp, both in red, and arrival datestamp (26.6). The envelope with faults and a little soiled, nevertheless a very rare franking. Sc. 49d, 56b; S.G. 66d, 70c. (Image) Est. $2,000-3,000

SOLD for $2,600.00
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317 c   1870 (8 Feb.) envelope ex the Welsford correspondence from Colombo to Weymouth, marked Via Marseilles, bearing 4d. rose-carmine and 9d. bistre-brown, both tied by Colombo
duplex and showing clear arrival datestamp (7.3) on reverse. A1870 (8 Feb.) envelope ex the "Welsford" correspondence from Colombo to Weymouth, marked "Via Marseilles", bearing 4d. rose-carmine and 9d. bistre-brown, both tied by Colombo duplex and showing clear arrival datestamp (7.3) on reverse. A very scarce make-up of the rate. R.P.S. Certificate (2002). Sc. 50c, 55b; S.G. 65b, 69. provenance: Serendib, February 2002 (Image) Est. $2,000-3,000

SOLD for $1,600.00
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318 c   1870 (21 Feb.) double rate envelope from Colombo to Liverpool, marked Via Marseilles, bearing 10d. orange pair (one with corner crease) and 1867 3d. carmine-rose pair (one
defective), both cancelled by A obliterator, showing colombopa1870 (21 Feb.) double rate envelope from Colombo to Liverpool, marked "Via Marseilles", bearing 10d. orange pair (one with corner crease) and 1867 3d. carmine-rose pair (one defective), both cancelled by "A" obliterator, showing "colombo/paid" c.d.s. in red with light arrival datestamp (21.3) on reverse. A rare franking. Sc. 56b, 62; S.G. 62, 70c. (Image) Est. $3,000-4,000

Will close during Public Auction
319 c   1870 (11 June) entire ex the Dawson correspondence from Colombo to Linlithgow, marked Via Marseilles, bearing 10d. orange and 1868 1d. blue strip of three, all crossed by
manuscript ink stroke and tied by Colombo duplex, and showing a1870 (11 June) entire ex the "Dawson" correspondence from Colombo to Linlithgow, marked "Via Marseilles", bearing 10d. orange and 1868 1d. blue strip of three, all crossed by manuscript ink stroke and tied by Colombo duplex, and showing arrival datestamp (11.7) on reverse. An attractive and rare make-up of this rate. R.P.S. Certificate (2002). Sc. 56b, 61; S.G. 61, 70c. provenance: Serendib, February 2002 (Image) Est. $3,000-4,000

Will close during Public Auction
320 c   1870 (20 Aug.) envelope from Colombo to Orkney Islands, marked Via Marseilles, bearing 1- reddish lilac and 1868 1d. blue, both cancelled by light A obliterator and the 1d.
tied by framed too late, showing colombopaid c.d.s.1870 (20 Aug.) envelope from Colombo to Orkney Islands, marked "Via Marseilles", bearing 1/- reddish lilac and 1868 1d. blue, both cancelled by light "A" obliterator and the 1d. tied by framed "too late", showing "colombo/paid" c.d.s. in red and, on reverse, Galle, Thurso and Kirkwall (21.9) datestamps; the envelope with some minor age spotting. Sc. 57a, 61; S.G. 61, 71. (Image) Est. $750-1,000

SOLD for $625.00
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