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FRENCH COLONIES continued...

BRITISH TOGO continued...
Lot Symbol CatNo. Lot Description CV or Estimate
1181 c S.G. #H4/13 ImageS.G. #H4, 5, 12, 13, 1914 20pf, 25pf, ½p on 3pf and 1p on 5pf Overprints, singles of each tied by Lome 25.5.15 c.d.s. postmarks on registered cover to Switzerland (backstamp receivers), surcharged stamps are margin copies, cover with small edge tears at right, stamps are very fine; signed Holcombe; the used stamps alone catalog £368. (Image) Est. $400-500

SOLD for $300.00
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1182 p S.G. #H4 var. ImageS.G. #H4 var.,1914 "TOGO/Anglo-French/Occupation" overprint on 20pf Ultramarine, wide setting, misplaced overprint, the overprint being shifted to the left, tied to piece by Lome 17.9.14 c.d.s. which is the first day of use, a couple faintly toned perf. tips, still very fine; this is rare and desirable for two reasons, only 50 of the misplaced overprints were printed, and the Post Office at Lome was only open for four hours on Sept. 17 and did not reopen until Sept. 24 (Gibbs #4a, Scott #38 var.). (Image) Est. $150-200

SOLD for $110.00
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1183 p S.G. #H7 ImageS.G. #H7, 1914 "TOGO/Anglo-French/Occupation" overprint on 40pf Black and carmine, wide setting, well centered example tied to piece by Lome 22.1.15 c.d.s., very fine; signed Kilian BPP and accompanied by a 1983 GPS certificate (Scott #41; $275.00). (Image) £250

SOLD for $110.00
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1184 og S.G. #H10 ImageS.G. #H10, 1914 (Sept.) "TOGO/Anglo-French/Occupation" overprint on 1M Carmine, wide setting overprint, an extraordinary quality mint single, featuring outstanding centering within lavishly large margins, deep rich color, o.g., lightly hinged, extremely fine; only about 100 stamps of this value were issued and the majority of those were used, making mint examples particularly rare; signed H. Bloch, A. Brun and accompanied by a 1978 BPA certificate (Scott #44; $5,750.00). (Image) £5,000

SOLD for $4,250.00
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1185 p S.G. #H10 ImageS.G. #H10, 1914 (Sept.) "TOGO/Anglo-French/Occupation" overprint on 1M Carmine, wide setting overprint, tied to piece by Lome 29.9.14 c.d.s., well centered, bright color, very fine; a rare stamp of which 100 in total were printed between the two settings; signed Kilian BPP and accompanied by his 1983 certificate (Scott #44; $2,800.00). (Image) £2,500

SOLD for $1,900.00
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1186 og S.G. #H11 ImageS.G. #H11, 1914 "TOGO/Anglo-French/Occupation" overprint on 2M Blue, wide setting, well centered, strong rich color, o.g., lightly hinged, there is just the faintest suggestion of gum toning, very fine; an enormously rare stamp, of which Gibbs estimates only 40 examples were printed in this setting; signed Calves, Holcombe (Scott #45; $9,000.00). (Image) £9,500

SOLD for $6,000.00
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1187 og S.G. #H11b ImageS.G. #H11b, 1914 "TOGO/Anglo-French/Occupation" overprint on 2M Blue, overprint inverted, a wonderfully fresh and choice mint example of this error rarity, with deep luxuriant color on fresh white paper, o.g., lightly hinged, very fine; only one sheet of twenty stamps was printed with the inverted overprint, all are mint; signed Holcombe and accompanied by his 1991 certificate (Scott #45a; unpriced). (Image) £12,000

SOLD for $7,500.00
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1188 og S.G. #H12a ImageS.G. #H12a, 1914 "TOGO/Anglo-French/Occupation/Half penny" overprint and surcharge on 3pf Brown, wide setting, thin "y" in Penny, well centered, rich color, o.g., barest trace of hinging (if any), very fine; signed H. Bloch and accompanied by a 1978 BPA certificate (Scott #33; $500.00). (Image) £400

SOLD for $650.00
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1189 og S.G. #H13a ImageS.G. #H13a, 1914 "TOGO/Anglo-French/Occupation/One penny" surcharge and overprint on 5pf Green, wide setting, thin "y" in Penny, brilliantly fresh, o.g., lightly hinged, very fine (Scott #34a; $500.00). (Image) £400

SOLD for $525.00
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1190 O S.G. #H14 ImageS.G. #H14, 1914 "TOGO/Anglo-French/Occupation" overprint on 3pf Brown, narrow setting, used, rich color, neat c.d.s. cancel, very fine; Gibbs notes that this is a very rare stamp, and estimates only about 25 stamps were issued making this immensely rare and undercataloged; signed Holcombe (Scott #48; $1,000.00). (Image) £950

SOLD for $650.00
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1191 p S.G. #H15 ImageS.G. #H15, 1914 "TOGO/Anglo-French/Occupation" overprint on 5pf Green, narrow setting, tied to piece by Lome 29.10.14 c.d.s., bright color, some rust stains at top, very fine appearance; Gibbs believes only about 40 were printed; signed Bothe BPP (Scott #49; $800.00). (Image) £700

SOLD for $100.00
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1192 p S.G. #H16 ImageS.G. #H16, 1914 "TOGO/Anglo-French/Occupation" overprint on 10pf Carmine, narrow setting, single tied to piece of what appears to be from a commercial cover, "Lome/Togogebiet/8 4 15" c.d.s., very fine; this 10pf in the narrow setting is an incredibly rare issue, Gibbs notes that only fifteen, or at the most, twenty examples exist, all used, no genuine mint copy has been discovered; signed A. Diena and accompanied by a 1989 Holcombe certificate; ex-Neal Allen (Scott #50; $3,100.00). (Image) £3,000

SOLD for $2,600.00
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1193 og S.G. #17a ImageS.G. #H17a, 1914 "TOGO/Anglo-French/Occupation" overprint on 20pf Ultramarine, narrow setting, "TOG" error, handsome mint example of this rare error, wonderfully bright and fresh, well centered, o.g., mild h.r., very fine; this error occurred only once in the sheet, therefore no more than 40 can exist, and Gibbs estimates half the existing population are used; signed H. Bloch (Scott #51a; $4,750.00). (Image) £3,500

SOLD for $2,600.00
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1194 og S.G. #H20 ImageS.G. #H20, 1914 "TOGO/Anglo-French/Occupation" overprint on 40pf Black and carmine, narrow setting, an immensely rare mint example, lovely fresh colors, well centered, o.g., faint gum bend, very fine; Gibbs puts the number issued at 25-30 and notes the vast majority were used, probably only a handful of mint copies exist; signed H. Bloch and accompanied by 1998 Behr certificate (Scott #54; $5,250.00). (Image) £5,500

SOLD for $4,500.00
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1195 p S.G. #H20 ImageS.G. #H20, 1914 "TOGO/Anglo-French/Occupation" overprint on 40pf Black and carmine, narrow setting, fresh used example tied to piece by Lome 20.10.14 c.d.s., bright colors, well centered, very fine; another rare value of this setting, Gibbs estimates that only about 25 or 30 stamps were issued, signed Kosack, Buhler, A.Diena, and accompanied by a 1984 BPA certificate (Scott #54; $1,750.00). (Image) £1,600

SOLD for $1,400.00
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1196 p S.G. #H21 ImageS.G. #H21, 1914 "TOGO/Anglo-French/Occupation" overprint on 50pf Black and purple on buff, narrow setting, used single tied to piece by Lome 29.9.14 c.d.s., intense colors, nicely centered, very fine; an extraordinarily rare stamp, as Gibbs estimates only twenty were printed and fewer than that number have been recorded, all used; signed A. Brun (Scott #55; $6,750.00). (Image) £7,500

SOLD for $5,500.00
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1197 nh S.G. #H22 ImageS.G. #H20, 1914 "TOGO/Anglo-French/Occupation" overprint on 80pf Black and carmine on rose, narrow setting, a remarkable quality mint example of this rarity, being exceptionally well centered and with beautiful vibrant colors, o.g., never hinged, small pencil note on gum, extremely fine; according to Gibbs only 25 of this value was printed, and he records just six mint singles, the example here is probably the finest of those six (Scott #56; for hinged $2,100.00). (Image) for hinged £2,500

SOLD for $5,000.00
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1198 O S.G. #H23 ImageS.G. #H23, 1914 "TOGO/Anglo-French/Occupation" overprint on 1M Carmine, narrow setting, used example of this rare stamp, with neat Lome 7.10.14 c.d.s., bright color, well centered, very fine; Gibbs estimates that only 40 stamps were issued, and though most were used, certainly less exist today; 1958 Mohrmann and 1984 Kilian certificates (Scott #57; $4,500.00). (Image) £4,000

SOLD for $3,000.00
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1199 O S.G. #H24 ImageS.G. #H24, 1914 "TOGO/Anglo-French/Occupation" overprint on 2M Blue, narrow setting, lovely used single of this incredibly rare value in the narrow setting, being very well centered and bearing a portion of Lome c.d.s., color is deep and intense on fresh crisp paper, extremely fine; while no more than twenty stamps were originally printed, no examples are known unused, and only 12 used examples have been recorded, one of which is in the Royal Collection; 1992 Holcombe certificate; ex-Bute, Neal Allen (Scott #58; $10,000.00). (Image) £10,000

SOLD for $7,250.00
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1200 og S.G. #H27a ImageS.G. #H27a, 1914 "TOGO/Anglo-French/Occupation/Half penny" overprint and surcharge on 3pf Brown, narrow setting, "TOG" error, well centered, fresh color, o.g., lightly hinged, very fine; signed H. Bloch and Calves (Scott #46b; $475.00). (Image) £425

SOLD for $475.00
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