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GABON continued...
Lot Symbol CatNo. Lot Description CV or Estimate
681 p Yvert #3A ImageYvert #3A, 1886 "GAB/25" Surcharge with 56-dot diamond grid around "GAB" on 20c Red on green, incredibly well centered example of this rare stamp, tied to piece by two strikes of "Libreville, Gabon/17 SEPT, 86" datestamps, rich colors on fresh paper, extremely fine; only 50 stamps received this surcharge; signed Bernichon and Roumet and accompanied by 2002 Roumet certificate (Scott #3e; $1,900.00). (Image) €2,100

SOLD for $800.00
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682 og Yvert #4 ImageYvert #4, 1886 "GAB/50" Surcharge on 15c Blue, strong color, part o.g., very fine; only 300 stamps were surcharged; signed A. Brun and Roumet and accompanied by 1999 Behr certificate; ex-Gibralter (Scott #4; $1,450.00). (Image) €1,700

SOLD for $750.00
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683 O Yvert #12 ImageYvert #12, 1889 "GABON" and "TIMBRE" Overprints and "15" surcharge on 30c Black postage due, an especially choice used example of this rare stamp, featuring uncommonly large margins all around, rich color on fresh white paper, lightly cancelled, extremely fine; only 250 stamps were surcharged; signed Calves and Miro twice (Scott #12; $3,700.00). (Image) €4,400

SOLD for $1,450.00
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684 ng Yvert #14 ImageYvert #14, 1889 15c Black on rose, unused, thinned as often, very fine appearance; signed Calves (Scott #14; $1,800.00). (Image) €2,100

SOLD for $350.00
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685 og Yvert #33-48 ImageYvert #33-48, 1910 1c-5Fr. Pictorials cplt., o.g., h.r., 2c, 10c and 25c thinned spot, otherwise a fine-very fine set; 2Fr. and 5Fr. signed Calves (Scott #33-48; $1,132.00). (Image) €1,130

SOLD for $210.00
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Lot Symbol CatNo. Lot Description CV or Estimate
686 og Maury #20a-29a ImageMaury #20a-29a, 1912 "05" and "10" Surcharges on 2c-75c Peace and Commerce, wide and narrow surcharge spacing cplt., horizontal combination pairs, fresh and intact, o.g., l.h., last with a pulled perf., otherwise fine-very fine; last four signed Cividini (Scott #20d-29b; $526.50). (Image) €776

SOLD for $140.00
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Lot Symbol CatNo. Lot Description CV or Estimate
687 c   Image1851 Petit Bourg unpaid stampless entire letter to France, exceedingly rare "Petit-Bourg/Guadeloupe/28 MARS 1851" double-circle c.d.s. on entire folded letter with similar Basse Terre transit c.d.s. on the reverse, carried per British packet via England with London transit on the reverse and red Calais entry transit plus boxed Article 13 handstamp, "15" handstamp for 15 decimes (1Fr50c) due for a single rate letter, backstamped Delle, very fine and handsome; this letter was posted in the same year, but just prior, to issuance of French stamps in the colony; an amazingly rare posting from the small village of Petit Bourg on the east coast of Basse Terre and not listed in Jamet; ex-Grabowski. (Image) Est. $200-300

SOLD for $110.00
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688 c   Image1853 Grand Bourg unpaid stampless entire letter to France, light but discernible strike of black "Grand-Bourg (Mie. Gte.)/Guadeloupe/25 JUIL 1853" double-circle c.d.s. and similarly light strike of a Basse Terre transit c.d.s. on entire folded letter from the Mayor of Grand Bourg with attractive large double-circle cachet of the Mayor's office, via British packet with London crown transits on the reverse, red Calais entry transit and boxed Article 13 handstamp, bold "15" handstamp for 15 decimes due, backstamped, very fine single rate letter; very rare from the small town of Grand-Bourg on the small island of Marie Galante; rated scarcity 5 by Jamet with only a few examples known; ex-Grabowski. (Image) Est. $100-150

SOLD for $85.00
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689 c   Image1854 Grand Bourg paid stampless cover to France, black "Grand-Bourg (Mie. Gte.)/Guadeloupe/9 MARS 1854" double-circle c.d.s. on folded cover to Marseilles, similar Basse Terre transit c.d.s. over the letter seal on the reverse, this single-rate cover was paid in cash with boxed "PD" handstamp on the front and the black "12" rate handstamp on the reverse, via British packet with red entry transit, backstamped, very fine; though stamps were no longer available this cover establishes that letters could be pre-paid by the sender in this period; this large format postmark of Grand Bourg on the small island of Marie Galante is quite rare; rated scarcity 5 in Jamet with only a few examples recorded; ex-Grabowski. (Image) Est. $100-150

SOLD for $150.00
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690 c   ImagePOINTE-A-PITRE, GUADELOUPE rimless circular datestamps on 1859, 1861 and 1862 folded letters to France carried by British packets, charged 12, 6 and 18 decimes postage due respectively, fresh and very fine. (Image) Est. $100-150

SOLD for $150.00
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691 c   ImageFrench Colonies Yvert #14, 18, 1872-76 1c Olive green on pale blue and 10c Bister on rose, horizontal strip of four and single of former and two singles of latter, the 1c single into the frame in one corner, all the rest with full large even margins, an amazing franking paying a very rare 25c internal rate on 1877 cover to Basse Terre, stamps are tied by five strikes of black "Guadeloupe/Pointe-a-Pitre/25 FEVR. 77" double-circle c.d.s., backstamped Basse Terre the next day, very fine and exceedingly choice; the normal rate for internal mail was 20c but a special rate of 25c existed for a service by sailing ship between the major islands connecting Pointe-a-Pitre, Basse Terre and Grand Bourg on Marie Galante, no special markings exist for this service and it is only recognizable by the rate and the dates of the postmarks; covers exhibiting this rate are extremely rare and the cover offered here is the most spectacular example with this colorful and rare franking; ex-Grabowski. (Image) Est. $1,500-2,000

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692 c   ImageFrench Colonies Yvert #44, 1880 25c Yellow on straw, Ty. II, attractive single with clear to large margins in single franking, tied to 1881 folded cover to St. Pierre and Miquelon by "Paq. Fr./Pointe-a-Pitre Guade/9 NOV. 81" double-circle sorting c.d.s. with an additional strike at right, Basse Terre and St. Thomas transits on the reverse, this cover routed through the United States with New York transit on the reverse and "Boston/Paid/Dec 1" c.d.s. on the front as well as the St. Pierre And Miquelon receiving c.d.s., horizontal file fold through the adhesive, otherwise a fresh and very fine cover; a rare destination; ex-Grabowski. (Image) Est. $200-300

SOLD for $140.00
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693 og/nhbl Yvert #2 ImageYvert #2, 1884 "G.P.E./25" Surcharge on 35c Black on orange, handsome and choice top left corner margin mint block of eight (4x2), with ample to large margins on the other two sides, incredibly fresh, o.g., two paper h.r.'s mainly in the selvage, six stamps n.h., extremely fine (Scott #2; $840.00). (Image) Maury €1,050

SOLD for $190.00
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694 og/nhbl Yvert #52h, 52n ImageYvert #52h, 52n, 1904 "G et D/40" Surcharge and red framed "1903" Ty. ee and ll overprints on 1Fr. Bronze green and straw, gutter block of six (3x2), the top right stamp with Ty. ll overprint and the other five Ty. ee, nicely centered, o.g., h.r., the right pair n.h., rejoined perf. separated at the left side of the gutter, fine-very fine (Scott #50 vars.). (Image) for hinged €880

SOLD for $110.00
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695 og Maury #52 IG ImageMaury #52 IG, 1904 "G et D/40" Surcharge and black framed "1903" overprint on 1Fr. Bronze green on straw, nicely centered and fresh, deep rich color, o.g., small h.r., very fine and scarce; formerly listed in Yvert as #54 (Scott #53 footnote; $500.00). (Image) €630

SOLD for $95.00
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696 p Yvert #TT1 ImageYvert #TT1, 1876 25c Black, select used example, large margins all around, tied to small piece by grid cancel, very fine; signed Gilbert (Scott #J1; $925.00). (Image) €1,100

SOLD for $150.00
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697 ogbl Yvert #TT4a, 4b ImageYvert #TT4a, 4b, 1879 15c Black on dark blue, a remarkable full mint pane of twenty from the third setting (fourth printing), pos. 3 with no period after "c" (#TT4b) and pos. 20 with "i" missing in "percevoir" (Maury #TT4c) large even margins all around, deep rich color, vertical stitch watermark, original gum, small natural paper flaw and a couple minor faults in the selvage only, extremely fine appearance; 2004 Roumet certificate (Scott #J4, J4a, J4c; $1,365.00 for singles). (Image) for singles €1,930+

SOLD for $525.00
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698 ng Yvert #TT9a ImageYvert #TT9a, 1884 20c Black on rose, italic "2" in "20", unused, large even margins all around, strong color on fresh paper, very fine; signed Calves (Scott #J9a; $1,000.00). (Image) €1,100

SOLD for $270.00
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699 og Yvert #TT12a ImageYvert #TT12a, 1884 50c Black on blue-green, an especially choice mint example of this rare paper color, huge margins all around, full o.g., l.h., an extremely fine gem; only 108 stamps were printed on this paper (Scott #J12 var.). (Image) €1,100

SOLD for $400.00
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700 og Yvert #TT13-14 ImageYvert #TT13-14, 1903 "G & D/30" Ty. a surcharge on 60c Brown on cream and 1Fr. Rose on cream, select mint singles of each, first with large even margins, latter with four mostly huge margins, o.g., h.r., extremely fine; latter signed Champion twice and Miro twice (Scott #J13-14; $725.00). (imagea) (Image) €810

SOLD for $280.00
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