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Great Britain Postage Stamps continued...

1855-1883 SURFACE PRINTED ISSUES continued...
Lot Symbol CatNo. Lot Description CV or Estimate
121 og 98 imageS.G. #98, 9p Straw, Plate 4, watermark emblems, DA, deep rich color, quite fresh, o.g., fine (Scott #46). (Image) £2,200

SOLD for $2,800.00
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122 O 99 imageS.G. #99, 1867 10p Red brown, Plate 1, watermarked emblems in error (instead of spray of rose), GJ, a magnificent quality used example of this important error rarity, believed to be the finest of only fourteen recorded examples, all of which are used, nine of which are used from Constantinople, as is this example, with a neat partial "C" in barred grid cancel, particularly well centered, deep rich color, very fine in every regard; a stamp that is almost never seen at auction; 1996 BPA certificate; ex-"Kay-Jay" (Scott #47). (Image) £25,000

SOLD for $70,000.00
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123 og 103 imageS.G. #103, 1872 3p Rose, Plate 8, watermark spray, FG, attractively centered, deep rich color, o.g., l.h., very fine; signed P. Oliva (Scott #49). (Image) £525

SOLD for $1,300.00
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124 P 109 imp. imageS.G. #109 imprimatur (S.G. Spec. #J78 imp.), 1869 6p Mauve, "abnormal" Plate 10, watermark spray, imperforate, AF, an incredibly rare imprimatur of this "abnormal" Plate 10 stamp, which is not known mint as a perforated stamp, and only ten used examples are recorded, deep luxuriant color, well margined, including a sheet margin at top, the margin previously folded over (well away from design) and hinged in top sheet selvage, stamp with barest trace of hinging, very fine; among the rarest of all imprimaturs of the period; 1996 BPA certificate; ex-Dr. Douglas Latto (Scott #51 imprimatur). (Image) £10,000

SOLD for $15,000.00
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125 P 110P imageS.G. #110P (S.G. Spec. #J96 plate proof), 1865 9p Straw, Plate 4, imperforate plate proof on unwatermarked paper, OI-OK, horizontal strip of three, large margins all around, rich color, minor thin spot on position OJ, very fine; a rare and seldom seen plate proof, particularly as a multiple; 1996 BPA certificate; ex-Dr. Douglas Latto (Scott #46P). (Image) £5,400+

SOLD for $6,750.00
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126 og 114 imageS.G. #114, 1867 10p Deep red brown, "abnormal" Plate 2, watermark spray, TA, an exciting mint example of this immensely rare stamp, of which only five mint or used examples are recorded, three of which are mint and one of these is housed in the Royal Collection (lettered RG), making this one of only two mint copies in private hands, extraordinarily well centered, strong rich color, o.g., lightly hinged, the accompanying certificate states the stamp is "stained" which, with all due respect, is so minimal (on the edges of the gum side) as to be completely unworthy of mention and of no relevance given this stamp's near unique status, overall very fine; one of the rarest stamps in all of Great Britain philately; 1991 BPA certificate; ex-"Kay-Jay" (Scott #53 var.). (Image) £22,000

SOLD for $52,500.00
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127 P 120b imp. imageS.G. #120b imprimatur (S.G. Spec. #J119 imp.), 1867 2/- Pale blue, "abnormal" Plate 3, watermark spray, imperforate, AE, one of the few existing imperforate examples of this "abnormal" Plate 3 which was never put into use, no perforated mint examples exist and only a small number of used examples are recorded, top sheet-margin example, with other margins large and well balanced, previously folded between stamp and sheet margin (well clear of design) and hinged on the face of the sheet selvage, stamp itself never hinged, very fine and rare; 1996 BPA certificate; ex-Dr. Douglas Latto (Scott #55a imprimatur). (Image) £8,000

SOLD for $13,000.00
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128 O 120b imageS.G. #120b, 1867 2/- Pale blue, "abnormal" Plate 3, watermark spray, HA, a very rare sound used example of this elusive and seldom seen stamp, being one of just a small number of examples known, all of which are used, most of which are poorly centered, heavily cancelled and with faults, this particular copy is much better centered than the majority, completely fault free and is less heavily cancelled than typically encountered, fresh color, fine for this rarity; 1955 BPA certificate (Scott #55a). (Image) £7,000

SOLD for $12,500.00
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129 og 121 imageS.G. #121, 1880 2/- Brown, Plate 1, watermark spray, BF, an extraordinarily choice mint example of this rare stamp, possessing outstanding centering for the issue, fresh color, o.g., very fine; among the finest original gum examples available: 1985 BPA certificate (Scott #56). (Image) £15,000

SOLD for $22,000.00
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130 og/nhbl 121 imageS.G. #121, 1880 2/- Brown, Plate 1, watermark spray, the spectacular complete pane of twenty, lettered FI-JL, with inscriptions "POSTAGE TWO SHILLINGS" in top sheet selvage and "Price/Two Shillings per Label/8 Shillings per Row of 4/Two Pounds per Sheet of 20" in bottom selvage, magnificently centered, deep luxuriant rich color, o.g., amazingly at least twelve stamps are never hinged, couple light hinge reinforcements and two insignificant thin spots confined to the sheet selvage, lightly folded along horizontal perforations between second and third row, overall extremely fine and in an extraordinary state of preservation.In mid-1879 there were several color changes needed for stamps to conform with the Universal Postal Union's international color standard. One of the stamps affected was the Twopence Halfpenny, which would change from rosy mauve to blue, resulting in a conflict with the Two Shillings value, which was then currently printed in blue. Therefore, an order was made for new Two Shillings stamps in brown and they were delivered in February of 1880. However, they remained only in use for a mere six months, until July 16, 1880 when they were withdrawn from sale. From the moment the stamps were withdrawn from use, the Two Shilling Brown almost instantly became a scarce stamp and today it is recognized as one of the rarest stamps of the Surface Printed era. As a result of the short life span of the issue, combined with its high face value, mint multiples of this stamp are of the utmost rarity. In fact, apart from the unique complete pane offered here, the next largest multiple is thought to be only a pair. Even singles are difficult to come by, particularly as well centered as each of the singles found throughout this pane. And, never hinged singles are essentially unheard of, of which this pane contains at least twelve such examples.The magnificent complete pane is considered to be one of the most important mint multiples in British philately and has graced several important collections of the past, including The Earl of Crawford, Henry Nissen, Dr. Douglas Latto and Sir Gawaine Baillie. (Image) as singles £320,000+

SOLD for $500,000.00
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131 og 125 imageS.G. #125, 1873 6p Grey, Plate 12, watermark spray, NL, crisp mint single, deep rich color on bright paper, o.g., fine (Scott #60). (Image) £1,400

SOLD for $2,200.00
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1867-1883 HIGH VALUES
Lot Symbol CatNo. Lot Description CV or Estimate
132 og 126 imageS.G. #126, 1867 5/- Rose, Plate 1, watermark Maltese Cross, FB, especially intense color, attractively centered, o.g., very fine; 1988 Brandon certificate; ex-Sir Gawaine Baillie (Scott #57). (Image) £5,000

SOLD for $10,000.00
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133 P 127 imp. imageS.G. #127 imprimatur (S.G. Spec. #J122 imp.), 1867 5/- Pale rose, Plate 2, watermark Maltese Cross, imperforate, HG, unusually large and well balanced margins, fresh color, o.g., couple of light natural vertical gum bends not mentioned on accompanying certificate, very fine; an extremely rare and desirable imprimatur of the 5/-; 1996 BPA certificate; ex-Dr. Douglas Latto (Scott #57a imprimatur). (Image) £12,000

SOLD for $10,500.00
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134 P 127 imp. imageS.G. #127 imprimatur (S.G. Spec. #J122 var. imp.), 1867 5/- Carmine pink, unissued Plate 4, watermark Maltese Cross, imperforate, uniformly large margins, rich color, without gum, extremely fine; very rare and desirable as Plate 4 on watermarked Maltese Cross paper only exists as an imprimatur; 1996 BPA certificate; ex-Dr. Douglas Latto (Scott #57a var. imprimatur). (Image) £12,000

SOLD for $15,500.00
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135 ng 127 imageS.G. #127, 1874 5/- Pale rose, Plate 2, watermark Maltese Cross, GH, handsome unused example, well centered, fresh color, regummed, very fine (Scott #57). (Image) £7,500

SOLD for $1,050.00
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136 P 128 imp. imageS.G. #128 imprimatur (S.G. Spec. #J124 imp.), 1878 10/- Greenish grey, watermark Maltese Cross, imperforate, BD, a lovely example of this enormously rare imprimatur of which very few exist, brilliantly fresh, rich luxuriant color, well margined, o.g., very fine; 1996 BPA certificate; ex-Dr. Douglas Latto (Scott #74 imprimatur). (Image) £20,000

SOLD for $25,000.00
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137 og 128 imageS.G. #128, 1878 10/- Greenish grey, watermark Maltese Cross, GC, a choice mint example of this important rarity, wonderfully fresh and with strong rich color, well centered, o.g., very fine; among the finest available original gum examples; 1976 BPA certificate; ex-"Kay-Jay" (Scott #74). (Image) £38,000

SOLD for $55,000.00
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138 P 129 imp. imageS.G. #129 imprimatur (S.G. Spec. #J126 imp.), 1878 £1 Brown lilac, watermark Maltese Cross, imperforate, BC, a lovely example of this rarity, of which probably no more than two or three copies are in private hands, large margins all around, strong color and impression on bright paper, o.g., very fine and choice; 1996 BPA certificate; ex-Dr. Douglas Latto (Scott #75 imprimatur). (Image) £28,000

SOLD for $30,000.00
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139 og 129 imageS.G. #129, 1878 £1 Brown lilac, watermarked Maltese Cross, BE, an exceptional certified mint example of this important high value rarity, being exceptionally well centered and with strong rich color, small part o.g., faint trace of a diagonal bend which is of little significance and not even mentioned on the accompanying certificate, very fine; 1974 BPA certificate; ex-Caspary, Lilly and Gibralter (Scott #75). (Image) £50,000

SOLD for $35,000.00
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140 og 130 imageS.G. #130, 1882 5/- Rose on blued paper, Plate 4, watermark anchor, FG, an incredibly select mint example, possessing a marvelous overall brilliance and freshness, lovely color on immaculate paper, exceptionally well centered, o.g., very fine; few original gum examples exist this choice; ex-Dr. Douglas Latto and Sir Gawaine Baillie (Scott #90). (Image) £18,000

SOLD for $23,000.00
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