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Specialized U.S. Collections, Air Post, Foreign Stamps & Covers continued...

Foreign Stamps and Covers (France: Group Lots) continued...
Lot Sym. Lot Description  
5918   French Colonies Collection, 1859-77. About 75 items, incl. 40c Imperial Eagle large die trial color proof in Bister (same shade as 10c No. 30, other issued colors and trial colors in plate proof singles (several double impressions), issued color plate proofs on card with 5c block of four, 10c block of 15 with center stamp sideways and 10c and 40c printed side-by-side with wide gutter between, First Issue stamps with 5c strip of four on cover front, various used and unused singles, complete unused blocks with extra shades of 10c-40c, 1871-77 cancel study with couple anchors, Saigon, 1871-72 5c, 15c and 30c used on piece from St. Denis Reunion, "CCH", "GOR", "INDE", MQE", SEG", 25c Third Issue horizontal pair on cover from Martinique, attractive 30c strip of three with Noumea New Caledonia double-circle datestamps, generally Fine-Very Fine, exceedingly nice lot for the specialist E. 750-1,000

SOLD for $3,500.00
Will close during Public Auction
5919   France and Colonies Balance. Hundreds of items, stampless and stamped covers, classic off-cover (mostly used 20c Napoleon imperf.), some 1940's Mint N.H. sheets, nice variety of French Colonies stamps and covers, many colorful frankings from the earlier twentieth century, also an original 1786 printed document from the King's State Council regarding the establishment of 24 packet boat runs to deliver the mails to the Colonies and America (over one year's time eight of the 24 were scheduled to go to America), generally Fine-Very Fine, interesting and diverse lot E. 750-1,000

SOLD for $4,250.00
Will close during Public Auction
5920 c France, Covers, 1853-84. 39 covers, many from 1863-70 Napoleon III and also from 1870-73 perforated issues, few interesting destinations incl. Spain, Quebec (for the lone 25c Sage Issue cover), Nos. 18 and 19 on folded cover from Paris to Italy, No. 18 used to Madrid, No. 55 tied by red printed matter double-circle datestamp, cover with six of No. 59 to New York, No. 28 on cover to New York, No. 35 tied by "Francia Via Di Mare" two-line handstamp, few other better incl. No. 12a on wrapper band, condition overall is better than usually found, Very Fine, a fascinating group

Search for comparables at SiegelAuctions.com

E. 1,000-1,500

SOLD for $3,000.00
Will close during Public Auction
5921 c France Covers. Over 130, incl. First days and Registered usages, Fine-Very Fine, viewing recommended E. 400-500

SOLD for $475.00
Will close during Public Auction
5922   Balance of the Marc W. Martin Estate. Sizeable group of material in two cartons, nearly all France and related areas with remainder collections, modern Mint N.H. France and Colonies, small specialized collections, booklets, presentation booklets, stamp show ephemera and more, generally Fine-Very Fine E. 3,000-4,000

SOLD for $11,000.00
Will close during Public Auction

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