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The Wagshal Collection Part 4: Perforated One-Cent 1857-60 Issue continued...

Plate One Late (Plate Cracks, Bottom Line Break, Scott 23)
Lot Sym. Lot Description  
1022   1c Blue, Ty. IV (23).> Position 40L1L, recut once at top and bottom, with <prominent plate crack> which is especially noticeable at lower left, neat strikes of double-circle datestamp, Very Fine, a beautiful
example of this desirable position1c Blue, Ty. IV (23). Position 40L1L, recut once at top and bottom, with prominent plate crack which is especially noticeable at lower left, neat strikes of double-circle datestamp, Very Fine, a beautiful example of this desirable position (Image)

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SOLD for $325.00
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1023   1c Blue, Ty. IV (23).> Position 41R1L, recut once at top and bottom, with <prominent plate crack> at center, lightly cancelled leaving entire design clearly visible, well-proportioned margins, Very Fine and
choice, a pretty stamp1c Blue, Ty. IV (23). Position 41R1L, recut once at top and bottom, with prominent plate crack at center, lightly cancelled leaving entire design clearly visible, well-proportioned margins, Very Fine and choice, a pretty stamp (Image)

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SOLD for $375.00
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1024   1c Blue, Ty. IV (23).> Position 61R1L, recut once at top, selvage at left, clearly showing <plate crack> at upper right, neat strike of circular datestamp, Very Fine and choice, a pretty stamp1c Blue, Ty. IV (23). Position 61R1L, recut once at top, selvage at left, clearly showing plate crack at upper right, neat strike of circular datestamp, Very Fine and choice, a pretty stamp (Image)

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SOLD for $325.00
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1025 c 1c Blue, Ty. IV (23).> Positions 30L1L and 4050L1L, single and vertical pair originally forming a strip of three, first and last recut once at top, 40L recut once at top and bottom, with <straddle-pane selvage
and centerline> at right, <the pair wit1c Blue, Ty. IV (23). Positions 30L1L and 40/50L1L, single and vertical pair originally forming a strip of three, first and last recut once at top, 40L recut once at top and bottom, with straddle-pane selvage and centerline at right, the pair with plate crack, tied by "La Grange Ga. Jan. 27" circular datestamps on cover used within Georgia, cover repair at top left well away from stamps, Very Fine appearance, a pretty cover and scarce use of the plate crack positions, ex Neinken (Image)

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E. 1,500-2,000

SOLD for $1,100.00
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1026   1c Blue, Ty. IV (23).> Position 89R1L with <break in outer line at bottom,> recut once at top, clear strike of <red New York City carrier datestamp>, centered to top which gives a very clear view of the broken
outer line at bottom, Fine, Position 89R1c Blue, Ty. IV (23). Position 89R1L with break in outer line at bottom, recut once at top, clear strike of red New York City carrier datestamp, centered to top which gives a very clear view of the broken outer line at bottom, Fine, Position 89R1L is the original one recognized and described by Ashbrook, Neinken states in his 1c book (p. 129) that the top line of this position was recut, but the bottom line, which was weak in the early state of the plate, was overlooked and not recut -- as the plate continued to wear during use, parts of this weak bottom line disappeared (Image)

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SOLD for $750.00
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