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10c Brown, Large Die Proof on India (209P1). Die
sunk on 144 x 221mm card with full die sinkage, imprint for "Duplicate Die", bright color, Very Fine (Image)
2c Red Brown, Large Die Proof on India (210P1).
On 142 x 180mm card with full die sinkage, with die imprint, rich color, Very Fine, from a sample book (Image)
1c Scarlet, Franklin Facing Right, Large Die Essay on
Ivory Glazed Paper (212-E4b). 64 x 73mm, shows full die sinkage area, rich color, signed by vignette engraver Alfred Jones and frame engraver Geo. H. Seymour, Very Fine (Image)
Bank Note Co. Chemical Paper Essays. Four, incl.
1c, 3c, 10c and 90c, each in state of decay as intended by the nature of the essay, 1c in several pieces, Very Fine appearing and unusual group (Image)
Large Bank Note Co. Proof Balance. One large die
proof on India (157P1, off card and cut down to 41 x 43mm), 23 single plate proofs and block of four, mostly card proofs but also couple on India, range of issues through the re-engraved, a few duplicated, fresh colors, overall Very Fine group (Image)