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United States and Foreign Stamps and Covers continued...

Worldwide Collection Lots
Lot Sym. Lot Description  
3254 og British America Collection. Couple hundred unused stamps in a Scott Specialty album, most colonies represented, very little early material but some better King George V and VI and Elizabeth II sets, Canada incl. -1/2c-50c Jubilees, the Falkland part is rather nice with Nos. 28-29, 36, 65-73, 84-96 and 128-142, fresh and virtually all Fine-Very Fine, also an old early 1960's auction lot on pages of used British Guiana E. 1,000-1,500

SOLD for $1,700.00
Will close during Public Auction
3255 nh British Commonwealth 1948 Silver Wedding Omnibus. The complete series of 138 different stamps, Mint N.H., Very Fine E. 1,000-1,500

SOLD for $1,600.00
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3256   Europe Collection. Large 1918 edition of "Schaubek's Permanent Album" Volume II, hundreds of used and unused stamps, good showing of Germany and associated areas with some nice Colonies Yacht sets (the high values are almost all watermarked), other slightly better items here and there, also some miscellany, generally Fine-Very Fine E. 750-1,000

SOLD for $1,400.00
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3257   Worldwide Collection. Extensive collection in 24 Scott Specialty albums and one Lighthouse Hingeless, several thousand used and unused stamps, countries incl. two Independent Countries of Africa, three French Africa, Africa with Italian Colonies, two Germany and Colonies, Benelux and Colonies, three France and Colonies, Portugal and Colonies, Italy and Colonies, Spain and Colonies, two Central Europe, Soviet Republics, two Eastern and Southern Europe, Poland and Lithuania, Middle East and United Nations, the albums range from sparsely populated to full of sets and singles with occasional better sets here and there, also included are four stock books, several shoe boxes, wholesale Greenland in a small stock book, various duplicates, some U.S. and U.N. face sheets, and other philatelic material, virtually all Fine-Very Fine E. 7,500-10,000

SOLD for $12,000.00
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3258   Worldwide Collection. Several hundred used and unused stamps in old brown Scott International "Nineteenth Century" and "1901-08" volumes, scattered issues throughout but there is a fair concentration of United States from 1888 to early 20th Century and some better Canada and from a few other countries, mixed condition as typically seen in these old collections, still some good value to be found with careful looking, also incl. a third similar album in rough shape and contains very few stamps E. 500-750

SOLD for $1,500.00
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3259   Worldwide Collection, 19th & 20th Century. Six volumes of unused and used stamps, incl. two of U.S. with range of various issues incl. group of revenues, four volume brown International Postage Stamp Album for 20th Century issues, in nice shape but for the most part sparsely populated, strength in Europe, some Fine-Very Fine

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E. 400-500

SOLD for $850.00
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3260   Worldwide Accumulation. Perhaps 500 items more or less, used and unused (a few covers) in glassines and on stock cards, wide range of countries and issues, much is less expensive material but occasionally better such as Great Britain used No. 74, unused original gum 107, Denmark First Air Post set, two Liechtenstein 1936 flown Zeppelin "set" covers and more, condition mixed, many misidentified by owner as rare varieties, but still vast majority Fine-Very Fine E. 2,000-3,000

SOLD for $2,700.00
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3261   Worldwide Modern Accumulation, 1960's-2000. Perhaps several thousand items in two cartons, incl. FDC's, New Issue Folders and a few Mint N.H. sheets, the majority of this material is Switzerland (folder productions from "PTT" and "Swiss Post"), also Israel, Liechtenstein and Greece unaddressed FDC's, a little earlier as British Commonwealth 1937 Coronation Omnibus and an inexpensive collection of 1948-68 Philippine Republic, Fine-Very Fine lot E. 500-750

SOLD for $650.00
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3262 c Foreign Covers. Over 50 choice covers individually selected for their superior appearance and scarcity, primarily Europe starting in late 1920's, most are mixed frankings, incl. wonderful group of Zeppelin covers from Russia (1931 Polar Flight), Liechtenstein, Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland, Austria, also Austria 1933 Wipa on cover, some nice First Day covers, condition better than normally seen, a Very Fine and desirable group

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E. 5,000-7,500

SOLD for $3,750.00
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3263 c Foreign Postal History Balance. 17 items, incl. 1905 use of Great Britain 1p Red from Belfast with large 2p Belfast and County Down Railway stamp, 1930 cover probably used from Sussex to Dublin then redirected back to Sussex, forwarding postage paid by Great Britain 1p Red with typewritten "Saorstat Eireann 1922" accepted by Irish authorities, several covers from Ireland mostly from military prisoners, few other interesting, overall Fine-Very Fine

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E. 500-750

SOLD for $325.00
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3264 c Foreign Zeppelin Covers. Eight flown covers, each with attractive cachets, labels and better frankings, stamps from many different countries represented incl. Finland, Brazil, Bulgaria, Albania, Liechtenstein, Peru (mixed franking with Brazil), Gibraltar and Germany, most have several stamps and are very colorful, nice range of flights, a colorful and Very Fine group, seldom offered as a group, these are all highly exhibitable

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E. 2,000-3,000

SOLD for $1,800.00
Will close during Public Auction

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