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Worldwide Collections and Large Lots continued...

Lot Symbol CatNo. Lot Description CV or Estimate
1021 O   Canada used 19th Century collection with cancel interest, many hundreds of stamps neatly hinged in an album, with shade varieties and cancels throughout, includes a dozen of the 5c 1859 Issue, including one with four-ring "4" cancel of Bowmanville, some Large Queens, most of the stamps are the Small Queens issues, better cancels include scarce two-ring numerals, with rarity factors to 7 (including some on cover), plus cork, duplex, registration, railroad, fancy and other unusual cancels, stamps in mixed condition, cancels nearly all fine or better. Est. $1,000-1,500

SOLD for $2,400.00
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1022 O 15/82 Canada nineteenth century used group of 70 mostly different (#15/82, #E1/F2), starts with the 1859 Cents issue including three different shades of the 10c Prince Albert, nine mostly different Large Queens, a selection of Small Queens including a couple perforated 11½x12 and the Widowed Queen high values, seven different Jubilees to the 50c value and most of the later issues including high values, condition is quite nice with most being fresh and well centered, a few minor flaws but generally fine-very fine or better; total catalog value is over $3,000.00. Est. $400-500

SOLD for $650.00
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1023 ogO   Canada 20th Century mint and used stock neatly arranged in 24 small stockbooks, while used predominates, there is good value in mint, we note seven of the 50c Bluenose and four of the $1.00 Parliament, also blocks throughout and some plate blocks, actually starts with the 1897 Issue and goes to the 1980s, includes back-of-the-book and even some revenues, mint are o.g., slightly mixed quality but generally fine-very fine. Est. $1,000-1,500

SOLD for $7,500.00
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1024 og   Canada 20th Century mint collection to 1974 neatly hinged on White Ace pages, basically starts with the 1911 Admiral issue and is just about complete from there, with all of the better sets from the 1920s and 1930s, as well as back-of-the-book, modern issues with a few varieties and booklet panes, o.g., generally fine-very fine. Est. $400-500

SOLD for $750.00
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1025 nhPB   Canada modern plate block accumulation housed in glassines and stockbooks, much of the value in the glassines, where it was often arranged with ten matched plates in each glassine, there is particular value in the 1982 Definitive set, with at least 40 plates of each of the dollar values (the total face value for just the four dollar values from this series is over C$2,200.00), the stockbooks go as early as the King George VI issues, also some mint sheets from the 1960s, including quantities of the 1967 Definitives present, with the $1.00 value represented by ten intact sheets and four additional sheet with selvage faults, o.g., n.h., fine-very fine; the face value will obviously be way in excess of the top end of our estimate. Est. $2,000-3,000

SOLD for $4,750.00
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1026 c   Canada first day and first flight cover lot of about 300 covers, first days are in the 1932-1952 period, including many matched sets, catalog values to $80.00 each, first flight covers are in the 1928-1936 period, largely fine-very fine; the Scott catalog value for just the first day covers is about $1,700.00. Est. $300-400

SOLD for $600.00
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Lot Symbol CatNo. Lot Description CV or Estimate
1027 O 2/91 China nineteenth century used accumulation of over 50 singles and pairs (#2/91), includes six different first issues representing different printings or shades of the three different values including a 1c Green wide setting, also includes both printings cplt. of the second design, various surcharges on the Dowager issue, plus two 1c and four 2c surcharges on the 3c Red revenues and a few of the 1897 Lithographed series, a number of nice oval chop cancels in blue and black on the first two issues, majority fine or better; Scott catalog value $3,500.00. Est. $500-750

SOLD for $2,100.00
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Lot Symbol CatNo. Lot Description CV or Estimate
1028 nh   Czechoslovakia souvenir sheet collection from 1962 to the mid 1990s, many dozens including complete sets, nearly all different with only scant duplication, a few items not counted in the catalog value such as #1082-90 missing one sheet and two black proof sheets, individual catalog values to about $40.00, with sets to about $100.00, o.g., most if not all n.h., fine-very fine. $2,900.00

SOLD for $350.00
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Lot Symbol CatNo. Lot Description CV or Estimate
1029 ogOc   German States used group of over 60 stamps and a cover collected for shade comparisons, seven different states are represented but most are Saxony and Prussia, of particular interest is a shade study of the Saxony 5Ngr King Johann I which includes six used in various shades (all identified and signed Rismondo) plus a cover to Amsterdam with a #12c (Rismondo certificate), condition overall is quite clean, a few very minor faults are present but most are fine-very fine; Michel value in excess of €3,400. Est. $400-500

SOLD for $800.00
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1030 Op   Germany 1875-1900 Small and Large Eagle specialized collection of used stamps for the various printings and shades of these issues, collection consists of over 400 singles, another 25 pairs, gutter pairs and blocks, plus four covers, the many shades of these issues as listed by Michel (#31-45) are identified for the “Pfennige” and “Pfennig” Small Eagles, 2M Numeral and the later Large Eagles, numerous examples of each value are mounted on pages to show the range of shades that exist within even the same Michel sub-number, this is a very complicated area but most of those that have been counted as rare shades have been identified and signed by German experts (over 75 signed by Gotwin Zenker BPP, who was the recognized color expert for these issues), throughout are also found over 25 varieties, mostly listed plate flaws but also including perforation varieties such as extra-wide stamps, etc., also some German Colonies forerunners with this issue, condition varies but a large portion is fine-very fine; Michel value is in excess of €9,000; an ideal lot for the specialist or someone wanting to start a serious collection of this challenging issue. Est. $1,000-1,500

SOLD for $1,900.00
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1031 ogOc   Germany useful accumulation in eight albums, best is a Schaubek album filled with mint and used, with value in the Third Reich including the IPOSTA and Nothilfe souvenir sheets, plus offices, colonies, occupation issues and better early DDR, then there is a three volume Lighthouse hingeless that contains some better post-war issues such as the Berlin Bear souvenir sheet, a two-volume collection in homemade albums, with issues from early to WWII, including blocks of four, also two albums of cover, many of which are special event and other philatelic from the 1920s and 1930s, mixed condition though much is fine-very fine. Est. $2,000-3,000

SOLD for $5,000.00
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1032 nh   Germany clean mint collection to 1974 in two Lighthouse hingeless albums, there are some better sets from the 1930s, much of the value in early post-war, including the popular Posthorn set complete, also better early Berlin including the 1949 Bear souvenir sheet, o.g., appears to be all never hinged, fine-very fine. Est. $1,000-1,500

SOLD for $1,450.00
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1033 ogO   Germany small group that contains 1877 50pf Olive gray (Scott #35) mint with tiny corner fault, 1948 Numerals with both the band and posthorn overprints cancelled (signed H.G. Schlegel, Dr. Dub or H. Bloch, but note from A. Schlegel says cancels cannot be identified as genuine) and Marienwerder Michel #21IIa mint with good Ludin certificate but negative opinion by Dr. Klein. Est. $150-200

SOLD for $575.00
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Lot Symbol CatNo. Lot Description CV or Estimate
1034 og/nh   German Colonies and Offices Abroad mint collection of over 180 different, largest portion of the value is in the offices abroad from first issues to mark values, includes some better colonies as 5pf and 20pf Caroline Islands with first diagonal overprints (#2a, 4a) and some better printings of various mark values that are only listed in Michel, mostly o.g., some h.r., also some of the later values are never hinged, overall fine-very fine; total Michel value is well over €6,000. Est. $750-1,000

SOLD for $1,600.00
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1035 O   German Colonies and Offices Abroad interesting used collection, starts with eight different forerunners, all on piece except one, including two Kiauchau, one with railroad cancel and both rated by Steuer at three times the Michel value, the others are German stamps used in Cameroun including a rare 10pf medium red (Mi. #47c), Michel value of the forerunners is over €1,000 (not counting a faulty rare piece of the Boxer rebellion with a pair of 5pf Numerals and 10pf Germania (Mi. #PVa, PVIc), tied by rare Peking soft wood cancel), the rest of the collection consists of over 100 used colonies and offices abroad stamps collected for their different cancels, but there are numerous better stamps up to 5M values as well (Michel value for just the used stamps is over €5,000), over three dozen of these cancels are listed in Friedemann with premium value as “Kanton” of China, Mehenge, blue Mohorro, Ujiji and Sadani of German East Africa, Abong-Mbang of Cameroun, Kuis of German Southwest Africa and many more, generally fine-very fine; a lovely specialist's lot with premium items. Est. $1,000-1,500

SOLD for $5,750.00
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Lot Symbol CatNo. Lot Description CV or Estimate
1036 ogO 4/20 Heligoland mint and used collection, excellent reference consisting of 22 mint or used originals and seven Leipzig reprints (Mi. #4/20), includes two different 1M and a mint 5M high values, all identified by printing which Michel does better than Scott, some are signed by Senf Brothers, a couple of other handstamps are incorrect, one calling a reprint genuine and the other marking an original (Mi.#6d), fourth printing on thick soft paper as a reprint which does not come on thick paper, a couple with very minor faults, most are fine-very fine; total Michel value is over €2,100; also accompanied by a photocopy of a thirteen page manual from the American Philatelist which is indispensable for determining all the original printings and reprints. Est. $300-400

SOLD for $900.00
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Lot Symbol CatNo. Lot Description CV or Estimate
1037 ogO   Indian States - Bamra collection/accumulation of the 1890-93 Typeset stamps, several hundred items ranging from singles to complete settings of twenty on various annotated album pages, showing all of the various plate varieties that come with these interesting stamps, most are unused, fine lot worthy of a closer look by a specialist. Est. $500-750

SOLD for $4,000.00
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Lot Symbol CatNo. Lot Description CV or Estimate
1038 c   Italian States stampless cover lot of about 225, 1730s-1860s, though the majority are pre-1830, excellent range of handstamped postmarks, with a good variety of towns, styles includes straight line, c.d.s. and some more ornate designs, handstamp colors are mostly black or red, but we note some blue and at least one green, most are fine or better. Est. $200-300

SOLD for $800.00
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Lot Symbol CatNo. Lot Description CV or Estimate
1039 ogOc   Korea accumulation of a few hundred mint, used or covers, much of the focus is in the 1946-51 period, which includes several imperforate sets not listed in Scott, used includes some earlier issues and quantities of the 1951 surcharges showing different types, some first day covers from 1946 onward, as well as postcards and some commercial mail, mixed condition. Est. $300-400

SOLD for $1,200.00
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Lot Symbol CatNo. Lot Description CV or Estimate
1040 ogO   Latin America revenue collection of several thousand on album pages, best two countries are Argentina and Brazil, with each containing both federal and state issues, wide variety of types, sizes, etc., other countries include Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador and Guatemala, these also with good variety and minimal duplication, also includes a few United States Beer stamps and some California state revenues, overall a most useful collection of this esoteric area. Est. $750-1,000

SOLD for $4,250.00
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