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Worldwide Zeppelin Posts continued...

NICARAGUA continued...
Lot Symbol CatNo. Lot Description CV or Estimate
581 c Sieger #409V imageSieger #409V, 1936 First North America Flight of the "Hindenburg", attractive mixed franking cover for the return flight, two adhesives of Nicaragua tied by boxed Managua handstamp of May 2,1936, plus two United States adhesives tied by New York machine cancel, neatly positioned violet United States flight cachet, backstamped Frankfurt with Zeppelin machine cancel, very fine; a rare and desirable cover (Sieger #€900; Michel #13). (Image) Est. 500-750

SOLD for $450.00
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Lot Symbol CatNo. Lot Description CV or Estimate
582 c Sieger #138B imageSieger #138B, 1932 First South America Flight, five adhesives tied to card by "Oslo/18 III 32" c.d.s., violet flight cachet and red Berlin connecting flight cachet, backstamped Feorianopolis on March 25th and receiving a Brazil cachet on the reverse in the same color ink, then backstamped Blumenau, Brazil where it was addressed, very fine and unusual (Sieger €400; Michel #234b). (Image) Est. 200-300

SOLD for $170.00
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583 c Sieger #238Aaa imageSieger #238Aaa, 1933 Chicago Flight, colorfully franked card with five different adhesives tied by ""Oslo/Br. I/6 10 33" c.d.s., Berlin-Sassnitz railroad oval and Friedrichshafen transit c.d.s., red German flight cachet, backstamped Pernambuco, very fine (Sieger €450; Michel #347a). (Image) Est. 200-300

SOLD for $230.00
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584 c Sieger #150B/286Aa Sieger #150B/286Aa, 1932-34 Attractive small collection of six covers or cards including five different 1932 South America flights, starting with the third and including the fifth and seventh to ninth, also a nice example of the popular 1934 Twelfth South America Flight (Christmas Flight), all with proper flight cachets and backstamps, fresh and very fine (Michel #239b/418a). Est. 400-500

SOLD for $550.00
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Lot Symbol CatNo. Lot Description CV or Estimate
585 c Sieger #254Aa imageSieger #254Aa, 1934 Third South America Flight (Argentina Flight), attractively franked photo card of the Dornier "Do-X" with four adhesives tied by "Broken Hill/Northern Rhodesia/8 Jun 34" c.d.s., routed through Friedrichshafen with transit c.d.s. and Frankfurt-Basel railway cancel, violet flight cachet, backstamped Pernambuco, trivial corner crease of no consequence, very fine; few Zeppelin covers were made from this country and this popular Argentina flight is particularly desirable (Sieger €650; Michel #370a). (Image) Est. 1,000-1,500

SOLD for $700.00
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Lot Symbol CatNo. Lot Description CV or Estimate
586 c Sieger #214B imageSieger #214B, 1933 Second South America Flight, neat registered cover with two singles tied by "Registered/Jerusalem/27 MY 33" ovals, green flight cachet and Berlin connecting flight cachet, backstamped Pernambuco, very fine; this is the first treaty-state flight for this popular country listed by Sieger, interestingly the early flights from Palestine come in mixed franking with Great Britain and with only Palestine franking, not differentiated by Sieger or Michel, our observation is that this latter is the less common (Sieger €2,450; Michel #305b). (Image) Est. 1,000-1,500

SOLD for $1,250.00
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587 c Sieger #219B imageSieger #219B, 1933 Third South America Flight, lovely and rare mixed franking cover with Palestine 13m Olive bister horizontal pair tied by "Registered/Jerusalem/22 JU 33" ovals, plus another attractive pair of Great Britain 5p Brown tied by London c.d.s., violet flight cachet and Berlin connecting flight cachet, backstamped Rio de Janeiro, a choice and very fine cover; the majority of Palestine covers of the 1933 flights were franked with only Palestine stamps, the mixed frankings are rare and highly desirable; neither Sieger nor Michel distinguish between them (Sieger €2,450; Michel #315b). (Image) Est. 1,000-1,500

SOLD for $1,300.00
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588 c Sieger #223B imageSieger #223B, 1933 Fourth South American Flight, an unlisted flight for Palestine being an attractive mixed franking card with Palestine 13m Olive bister vertical pair tied by "Registered/Jerusalem/28 JY 33" ovals, plus a pair of Great Britain 5p Brown tied by London c.d.s., red flight cachet and Berlin connecting flight cachet, backstamped Pernambuco, choice very fine and a highly desirable mixed franking posting; only four flights are listed by Sieger in 1933, the first year for this treaty state, this Fourth South America Flight is listed by neither Sieger nor Michel, nor have we seen another example of this flight in the major Zeppelin collections (Michel #323b). (Image) Est. 1,500-2,000

SOLD for $1,900.00
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589 c Sieger #232B imageSieger #232B, 1933 Seventh South American Flight, rare mixed franking registered cover with two Palestine adhesives tied by "Registered/Jerusalem/6 SP 33" ovals, plus a pair of Great Britain 6p Magenta tied by London c.d.s., blue flight cachet and Berlin connecting flight cachet, backstamped Rio de Janeiro, Argentina, choice very fine; a highly desirable mixed franking cover as many were franked with only Palestine frankings; neither Sieger nor Michel distinguish between them (Sieger €2,250; Michel #337b). (Image) Est. 1,000-1,500

SOLD for $2,300.00
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590 c Sieger #238E imageSieger #238E, 1933 Chicago Flight, attractive and rare mixed franking for this popular Chicago Flight, five Palestine adhesives tied by "Registered/Jerusalem/26 SP 33" ovals to registered cover, plus an attractive pair of Great Britain 5p Brown tied by London registry c.d.s., red German flight cachet on the front and Berlin connecting flight cachet on the reverse, backstamped Pernambuco, choice very fine; covers from this country are found with both mixed franking, such as this, and with only Palestine stamps, the mixed frankings are rare and highly desirable, especially on the 1933 Chicago Flight; neither Sieger nor Michel distinguish between them (Image) Est. 1,500-2,000

SOLD for $2,900.00
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591 c Sieger #247Aa imageSieger #247Aa, 1934 First South America Flight, registered cover with four adhesives tied by "Registered/Jerusalem/18 MY 34" ovals, with Stuttgart transit but routed through Friedrichshafen with transit c.d.s., general red flight cachet with index letter "b", backstamped Pernambuco, very fine and rare cover (Sieger €1,800; Michel #362a). (Image) Est. 1,000-1,500

SOLD for $1,050.00
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592 c Sieger #277Ba imageSieger #277Ba 1934 Ninth South America Flight, two adhesives of sole Palestinian franking tied to registered card by "Registered/Jerusalem/23 SP 34" ovals, routed through Stuttgart by air flight with transit c.d.s., general Zeppelin flight cachet with star for the Stuttgart connection, backstamped Pernambuco, fresh and very fine; this was a new routing for Palestinian covers, which usually connected through Great Britain and Berlin (Sieger €1,250; Michel #406c). (Image) Est. 500-750

SOLD for $850.00
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593 c Sieger #302Bb imageSieger #302Bb, 1935 Fifth South America Flight, registered cover with four adhesives of only Palestinian franking, tied by "Regestered/Jerusalem/28 MY 35" ovals, connecting with the Zeppelin through Berlin with red general Zeppelin flight cachet with index letter "a" for the Berlin connection, backstamped Pernambuco, very fine; an attractive late period flight from this popular country; this treaty-state posting not listed by Michel (Sieger €1,500; Michel #446a). (Image) Est. 400-500

SOLD for $900.00
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Lot Symbol CatNo. Lot Description CV or Estimate
594 c Sieger #64X imageSieger #64X, 1930 Pan-American Flight, Behrens-Neuheiten-Dienst imprinted card with five Panamanian air posts tied by red boxed "Agencia Postal/Panama/May 5, 1930" duplexes, this card was prepared to fly the Zeppelin from Cuba to Lakehurst but when the Zeppelin failed to land at Cuba the cover went by ship to Lakehurst, with Cuba transit of May 18, 1930, U.S. 65c Zeppelin tied by "New York, N.Y./Grand Central Sta./May 27, 1930" duplex, flown on the return flight from Lakehurst to Friedrichshafen, red German and violet American return flight cachets, backstamped Friedrichshafen, very fine; a rare posting out of Panama with only a few covers and cards known (Sieger €1,500; Michel #68Gb). (Image) Est. 750-1,000

SOLD for $900.00
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Lot Symbol CatNo. Lot Description CV or Estimate
595 c Sieger #62A imageSieger #62A, 1930 Pan-American Flight, cacheted cover for the flight to Lakehurst, 2.85P Blue tied by an excellent strike of the boxed violet flight cachet, Paraguay c.d.s. of May 19, 1930 at left, backstamped Lakehurst, extremely fine; only 123 covers flown to the United States; signed Arthur Falk (Sieger €1,000; Michel #66Ea). (Image) Est. 300-400

SOLD for $230.00
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596 c Sieger #62B imageSieger #62B, 1930 Pan-American Flight, 70c postal card with additional 2.85P Blue tied by boxed violet flight cachet and Paraguay c.d.s. of May 19, 1930, additional strike of flight cachet at left plus violet American flight cachet, backstamped Friedrichshafen, all markings are on the front of the card, very fine and choice; a scarce card with only 65 items flown on this leg (Sieger €1,200; Michel #68E). (Image) Est. 500-750

SOLD for $350.00
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597 c Sieger #62Ba imageSieger #62Ba, 1930 Pan-American Flight, the very rare posting to Seville, Spain, 70c postal card with four additional adhesives tied by boxed violet flight cachets, backstamped "Correo Aereo/Sevilla/5 Jun. 30", small corner crease to card at bottom right and slight edge toning to card as usual, otherwise very fine; the posting to Seville from Paraguay is of the greatest rarity with only nine items flown; signed Arthur Falk (Sieger €2,300; Michel #67E). (Image) Est. 1,000-1,500

SOLD for $750.00
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598 c Sieger #62Ca imageSieger #62Ca, 1930 Pan-American Flight, mixed franking cover with printed A.C. Roessler cachet for the flight to Lakehurst, 2.85P Blue tied by the boxed violet flight cachet, in mixed franking with four Argentina adhesives, including three 1P Blue and rose with green Zeppelin overprint, all tied by "Aeropostal-B.A./Argentina/21. May. 30." c.d.s., Argentina transit on the reverse and backstamped Lakehurst, light cover wrinkles not affecting the stamps, very fine (Sieger €700; Michel #66Ed). (Image) Est. 300-400

SOLD for $450.00
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Lot Symbol CatNo. Lot Description CV or Estimate
599 c Sieger #184A imageSieger #184A, 1932 Seventh South America Flight, mixed franking card with five Peruvian singles tied by "Lima/7 Sep. 32" c.d.s., then with two Brazilian adhesives including the 3,500r Zeppelin overprint tied by Rio de Janeiro c.d.s. of September 29th for the return flight, violet flight cachet, backstamped Friedrichshafen, very fine and a scarce Peru posting (Sieger €900; Michel #281A). (Image) Est. 300-400

SOLD for $280.00
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Lot Symbol CatNo. Lot Description CV or Estimate
600 c Sieger #143B imageSieger #143B, 1932 Second South America Flight, 15g Dark green pictorial postal card with seven additional adhesives on front and back, tied by Warsaw c.d.s., green flight cachet and red Berlin connecting flight cachet, backstamped Buenos Aires, very fine (Sieger €450; Michel #237b). (Image) Est. 300-400

SOLD for $230.00
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