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Spink Shreves Galleries Sale - 129
The December 2010 Collector's Series Sale -
December 3-4, 2010
Spink Shreves December 2010 Collector's Series Sale is filled with an
exceptional range of highly desirable United States, British Empire and
Worldwide postage stamps and postal history. As always, several name
collections highlight this particularly valuable and comprehensive sale of
1503 lots. Some of the many collections featured are:
The George J. Berger Collection of United States Postage Stamps.
Many of the more valuable and higher quality stamps found in the sale come
from this wonderfully comprehensive collection – the vast majority of which
are accompanied by certificates from the PF and/or the PSE.
The Susan S. Menson Collection of Premium Quality U.S. Stamps. Formed
with excellent taste over many years, the Menson collection is
characterized by exceptional stamps of freshness, brightness of color and
outstanding centering. Again, most accompanied by certificates.
The Thomas W. Flattery Collection of United States Postal Stationery.
Mr. Flattery’s collection is filled with a wide array of scarce postal
stationery cut squares – many of which are full corner examples – along
with a number of unusual entires. His offering concludes with a substantial
and valuable collection balance.
The William O. Schuman Collection of Specialized Washington-Franklin
The majority of exceptional Washington- Franklin issues in the auction –
plate blocks, varieties and errors - come from noted award winning
exhibitor and collector, William O. Schuman, one of the nation’s foremost
authorities on plate numbers.
Selected Specialized Worldwide Postage Stamps and Postal History
The auction concludes with some exceptional specialized offerings from such
diverse areas as Great Britain (with many Line Engraved rarities), Greece
(classic singles and multiples), Jamaica (including the two rarest stamps
of the country) and Korea (souvenir sheets and complete sheets). All in
addition to our popular Worldwide Large Lots & Collections.
As with all Spink Shreves auctions, bidders may participate in the auction
– live on the Internet – during the sale. Please see our website for
details of this exciting bidding option.
All color printed catalogs for Spink Shreves December 2010 Collector’s
Series Sale are available free of charge ($20.00 for an overseas address)
by contacting Spink Shreves Galleries, 3100 Monticello Ave., Suite 925,
Dallas, TX 75205. Telephone 800-556-7826 or 972-788-2100. Fax 972-788-2788.
Arrangement of Sale
First Session – Friday, December 3, 2010 at 10:00 a.m. – Lots 1 - 221
United States – Stampless Covers, Postmaster Provisionals through Scott
Second Session – Friday, December 3, 2010 at 1:00 p.m. – Lots 222 - 881
United States – Scott #102 through Scott #550
Third Session – Saturday, December 4, 2010 at 10:00 a.m. – Lots 882 -
United States – Scott #551 through Modern issues, Air Posts through
Carriers & Locals
Fourth Session – Saturday, December 4, 2010 at 12:30 p.m. – Lots 1056 -
United States – Postal Stationery, Revenues through U.S. Possessions,
plus Large Lots & Collections
Fifth Session – Saturday, December 4 at 3:00 p.m. – Lots 1253 - 1503
Worldwide Stamps and Postal History, Large Lots & Collections